Stress and anxiety seem to be a natural part of living anymore. While work, family, and friends can contribute to feelings of dread and worry, your diet can also play a significant role. Taking supplements, like those from Brillia Health, can help alleviate anxious feelings, but you can also try incorporating ten foods into your diet.
1. Oranges
While using an over-the-counter and natural anxiety medicine can help reduce anxiety symptoms, you can also add some fruit to your diet. Oranges have high vitamin C dosages, which can lower cortisol – a stress hormone – and blood pressure. Vitamin C also changes the body’s mental and physical responses to stress.
2. Whole Grains
The objective of most anxiety treatments, including anxiety medication for children, is to replace worry and stress with feelings of calm and safety. Carbohydrates, any kind, boost serotonin levels, the feel-good chemical of the body. Whole grains are a healthy carb option.
3. Spinach
Spinach is rich in magnesium, which is found in many medications doctors prescribe to prevent and treat anxiety. You do not need a lot of spinach or other leafy greens to experience the worry fighting benefits. One cup is often enough for people to experience positive side effects.
4. Avocados
Avocados contain potassium that naturally lowers blood pressure. People often look to bananas for combating blood pressure, but half of an avocado has more potassium than a medium banana. You’ll also get several other beneficial nutrients.
5. Nuts
You do not need to look far for foods containing Vitamin B21, E, and healthy fats and minerals. Walnuts and pistachios contain enough nutrients to boost your immune system and mood.
6. Salmon
Rich with omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is among the most beneficial fish to consume. These nutrients fight inflammation and prevent stress hormones, allowing you to remain calm and happy.
7. Yogurt
Look for yogurt that incorporates probiotics. These elements combat gastrointestinal problems that contribute to stress levels. Researches even suggest that yogurt and similar probiotic foods can change the body’s response to anxiety and stress.
8. Chia or Sunflower Seeds
The amino acid tryptophan promotes feelings of calmness or restfulness, helping to release serotonin. Chia and sunflower seeds both contain the amino acid, suggesting consumption can reduce stress and anxiety levels.
9. Asparagus
One cup of asparagus contains two-thirds of your daily folate recommendation. Folate is a natural mood booster. If levels are too low, you can become more anxious or depressed. While not a favorite vegetable for many people, if you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks, it could be worth adding it to your dinner.
10. Dark Chocolate
Chocolate is the go-to for love and broken hearts. It is no wonder that the sweet treat can also help calm the anxious person. Dark chocolate is especially useful in releasing feel-good chemicals in the brain.
Many people suffer from anxiety and stress. The way the world is, who can blame them. However, a change in diet can have a life-changing effect. However, if you already consume a healthy diet, including the above foods, you may want to consider an over-the-counter anxiety medication.
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