Working as a nurse can be incredibly taxing on both the body and mind, but also a career which does some genuine good for those around you. Working alongside parenting can be tough, but can also give you some wonderful rewards, both for yourself and your children. This career path is usually not for the faint of heart, due to some of the situations you may find yourself in, or people that you need to look after, so due thought would need to be given before applying for a role.
Show the Importance of Education
Your children will spend many years of their life at school, but completing their required education period doesn’t mean they need to stop there. By attending nursing school, you can show them that adults also understand the needs and benefits of education, as well as how it can help you to achieve your dream career. Seeing a parent push themselves to gain qualifications may help your child to decide what they want to be, but also give you an opportunity to meet new people outside of parenting circles, giving you a sense of identity besides being a parent.
Being a parent takes a lot of compassion, and a nursing role can often tap into those same feelings of empathy and understanding for others. Much like you would with your child, there may come times where you will need to be a bit more flexible at work to meet the needs of your patients. Some may not have full physical or mental abilities, so time and patience can be required. When working with children or the elderly, you may also find yourself repeating yourself often, which is something you may very well be used to within your own home. The level of organization that you put into your home, and making sure your children have everything they need for their day ahead, may also be invaluable when you work on a ward.
Role Model
Ultimately, most parents want to be a good role model for their children, so that they understand good morals, manners, and how to act in life. By having a career that benefits those around you, you may be able to further teach your children about being kind to others, as well as the karma benefits you get alongside financial pay. Raising your children to understand the importance of learning what you can, and working for the things you want and need, can also help to promote that same work ethic in your children.
Ultimately, while nursing may be a way for you to pay the bills and pursue your career goals, it can also have an impact on your children. They may see that you do all you can to promote good health and kindness, for yourself and others, which can, in turn, teach them to be better people as they grow up. You may also have some level of impact on them regarding their own career path for the future.
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