While pregnancy can be an exciting period, the thought of giving birth can put some women off getting pregnant in the first place. It can be easy to dwell on the fact that once you make a baby, it has to be born, but what is the process actually like?
As the date starts to get closer, the dread and fear may become more prominent in your mind; but don’t worry – these feelings are normal. It’s a completely new and challenging experience that you’ll only go through a couple of times in your life, so it’s okay to feel a little apprehensive about birth.
If you’re worried about what to expect, here are three things you need to know:
The experience can be just how you want it to be
You don’t have to give birth to your baby the traditional way if it’s not something you’d feel comfortable with. For example, the maternity ward at your local hospital doesn’t have to be the only option. If you have been monitored and a health professional has confirmed you’re a low-risk pregnancy, then there are plenty more options open to you. You may consider a home birth or even a birthing pool as alternatives. The good news is that your decision won’t be set in stone if you do happen to change your mind at a later date.
It’s hard to know what’s going to happen
You may be dreading the idea of birth for fear of the unknown. The reality is, that you simply cannot predict what’s going to happen – and it’s the same for every expectant mom. If there’s one particular thing you’re worried about, it’s most likely about how you’re going to cope with the pain. Luckily, there are plenty of resources you can read up on or listen to, to help calm those worries.
Likewise, you may be fearful of what could go wrong and if your baby will suffer complications or injury during birth. Rest assured, the chances of this occurring are slim, but if there was ever concern over medical negligence, you could always get in touch with birth injury claims solicitors.
You’ll know when you’re going into labor
One of the most common questions many new moms think about is how to know when they’re going into labor. A few days before, you may be feeling more tired than usual, or even slight pains in your lower stomach. In some cases, you may also have a ‘show’ where the mucus plug closing the cervix falls away.
When labor starts, your waters won’t always break immediately. You may have increasingly more regular pains in the stomach area as though you’re having bad menstruation, as well as some twinging in the back. The bottom line is that if you think something is happening, try and contact your midwife as soon as possible. Simply pick up the phone and describe your symptoms and they should be happy to talk you through the next steps.
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