With energy prices skyrocketing to record levels, electricity and gas bills are stretching our budgets more than ever.
But let’s not panic just yet. There are a few simple things we can do in our day to day lives that can reduce our energy usage and lower our electricity bills – especially handy if you’re working from home this winter and with the added bonus of reducing your carbon footprint!
In the 1990s the average home of four occupants typically used four appliances compared to now, where we use around 13 appliances (such as TVs and laptops). Fortunately though, despite this increase in appliance use over the years, our energy consumption is no more than in the 1990s, meaning our appliances have become more energy efficient over the years. But there are still steps we can take to be even more energy efficient and save some pennies along the way.
So let’s see how much you could save. For the average three bedroom household you could save up to £564 a year on bills by taking steps to save energy.
We’ll take you through the best energy saving tips room by room:
How Can I Reduce Energy Costs in the Kitchen?
Save Money When Cooking
- Avoid overfilling the kettle and try fitting a tap aerator. This could save you up to £43 a year. It all adds up!
- Defrost frozen food in the fridge to help your fridge keep cool (and by defrosting ahead of time you won’t be tempted to use the defrost setting on the microwave).
- Using lids on pans, even when the recipe doesn’t tell you to, will use less electricity and reduce cooking time. Using the right ring for the size of the pan will also ensure you’re not wasting unnecessary energy.
- Consider using the whole oven and cook as much as possible in one go. Also, keep the door closed as much as possible and try not to keep checking on your food. Each time you open the oven door it loses around 25°C and will use more energy to get back up to temperature again.
- Use a microwave instead of the oven when you can. It heats food quicker and therefore will use less electricity. Or try an energy saving slow cooker or tap into the latest trend in energy saving cookery and invest in an air fryer.
- Keep your fridge and freezer warmer! Yes, surprisingly, an increase of just one degree can add up to a big difference in energy savings over the year, and won’t have an effect on the lifespan of your fresh food.
Clean Up on Energy Savings While You Clean Your Home!
- Replace old and energy guzzling appliances and upgrade to more energy efficient appliances such as A+++ rated dishwashers.
- Reduce your dishwasher use by one run a week and save around £17 a year.
- Save hot water by using a washing up bowl instead of a running tap.
- Clean the coils of your fridge to help it run more efficiently.
Utility Room Energy Cost Savings
- Wash at 30°C and reduce use by one run a week and you could save up to £34 over the year.
- Avoid using the tumble dryer. If you dry on racks or hang washing outside on warmer days it could save you £70 annually.
Tips to Save Electricity in the Living Room and Stay Cosy this Winter
- Turn down brightness settings on tv and turn it off when you leave the room.
- Switch off standby. Most appliances can be turned off at the wall and it could save you around £65 a year. Invest in a smart plug or smart switches to switch off all your appliances in one go.
- Move furniture away from radiators to let trapped heat circulate around the room.
- Open your curtains fully in the morning to make the most of the sun to warm your rooms, but don’t forget to keep your curtains closed at night to keep the heat in and the cold out!
- And keep those windows clean. Dirty windows can block out up to 10% of sunlight, which can warm and light your room free of charge!
- If you haven’t already got it, invest in double glazing to reduce your heating bill. Upgrading from single glazing could save you as much as £110 a year.
- Use more energy efficient light bulbs like LED bulbs. They last longer and use 75% energy than an incandescent bulb.
Easy Ways to Save on Energy Costs in the Bathroom
- Spend less time in the shower. By cutting your shower down to four minutes, you could save as much as £95 a year.
- Swap one bath a week for a four minute shower and save £20 a year.
- By simply insulating your hot water cylinder you could be spending £70 less on your energy bills annually.
- If it’s not too cold outside, open the window instead of using an extractor fan.
Heat Saving Tips in Your Hallway to Save Wasted Energy Costs
- Draught-proof gaps in your windows and doors, block up unused chimneys and line your letterbox to save around £125 a year.
- Install a smart thermostat that heats only the rooms that are in use and can be controlled by your phone.
- Turn down the thermostat. More than half of your energy bills are typically used up by heating and hot water. Turning the dial down by just one degree could save you £75 a year.
- Don’t forget to turn off the lights in rooms you aren’t using. This could reduce your annual bill by around £25.
Smart Ways to Keep Electricity Costs Down in the Study
- If possible, swap your desktop for a more energy efficient laptop. Newer models will be more energy efficient than outdated models.
- Use a low energy inkjet printer rather than a high energy laser printer.
- If you’re only using this room occasionally, don’t forget to turn the radiator down or off when you leave. Or let your smart thermostat do that for you.
Even More Energy Saving Tips for Around the House to Help You Save Money!
- Fully insulate your roof to stop heat escaping your home. This could save you on average £135 on your heating bill.
- Install a smart meter and track your energy usage in real time. This is a great incentive to make changes as you see the amount of electricity you’re using rise and fall.
- Compare energy quotes and consider whether you would be better off with a variable or tracked rate.
- Solar panels could save you as much as a third in energy bills in the long run.
Regularly Service Electrical Appliances
- The minimal cost of servicing your appliances will make them more efficient and cheaper to run long term. Book in a PAT (Portable Appliance Test) or EICR (Electrical Installation Condition Report) quickly and easily with HEXO Electrical Testing.
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