One of the hardest things to decide on early in your life is whether or not you are going to attend college and for what type of degree. Even when you figure out what degree you would like to study and earn, finding a job that relates to it after you graduate can be just as difficult. Of course, there is always the dream of being a doctor or a lawyer, but with so many different types of degrees available, how does one decide which will fit their personal desire? Here we are going to talk about a few jobs that you can get with a library of science degree.
Creative Project Manager
Just because you earned your online masters in library science degree, does not mean that you have to become a librarian for the rest of your life. Other jobs, like a creative project manager, also require this degree. The skills that you learn while earning a library science degree include understanding media trends, general knowledge of the internet and how to publish to different forms of media. Being a great creative project manager takes leadership, great communication, and critical thinking as well.
Freelance Researcher
Getting through your library science degree from the University of Southern California is hard work, but does require you to do some research on your papers and other class projects. Taking another step in that direction can lead you down the path of a freelance researcher. Even if you already have a full-time job, doing this type of work on the side for extra income might not be hard for you at all. You already possess the skills needed to do extensive research, and in that respect, you can really help someone out. Freelancing is on the rise online, and the internet makes it easier to find work of this nature.
Technology Coordinators
The rise of the internet, mobile devices and everything being connected to a network has brought on a huge push for more jobs in the technology sector. An online MMLIS degree is very useful for jobs in the industry and if you do not want to be a librarian, a technology coordinator might be the next best thing. Tasks might include providing support to a group of users, releasing technology and making sure all current systems are up to date and managing long-term projects as part of a team. Skills like advanced computer knowledge, technical writing skills, and networking certifications might be a few that are required depending on the job.
Head Of Learning Research Center
With a master’s in library science, you will be able to apply for more advanced jobs. Since you have gone through additional schooling, compared to that of a bachelor’s degree, you will have additional skills that are required for jobs like the head of learning at a research center. Leading a team and being able to manage people under you might be required, as well as managing department budgets and possessing various certifications.
Just because you have a library degree, does not mean that you will be stuck putting books away at your local library. These are just a few of the many jobs that you can apply for with that type of degree in your pocket.
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