Well, would you look at that?
In less than a few months, you’re going to have a new bundle of joy joining the family!
Having an incoming baby is a very special moment in our lives.
It kicks us into gear to prepare for the newborn, and in addition to getting all of the pampers, clothes, and baby formula, you’re definitely going to need to come up with a cozy nursery for your baby!
Creating the perfect nursery can be a daunting, and expensive task, which is why I’ve decided to help out and give you five budget-friendly ways to make the baby room cozy!
1: Bassinets That Grow
When one begins to think of all the important aspects inside of a nursery, there’s always one item that becomes the centerpiece of the whole setup…
The bassinet!
The bassinet is going to be the baby’s headquarters for a majority of its infancy, so it tends to be very easy for parents to go overboard and break the bank.
They want all of the bells and whistles, the modern bassinets with smart monitors built-in and all…
But honestly?
The best baby bassinet to get that’ll give you the most bang for your buck is a bassinet that can grow with your baby as they grow themselves.
It’ll look silly to stuff a two-year-old toddler in a bassinet designed for an infant, so a bassinet that can go from bassinet to a bed is an ideal pick.
You’ll save money in the long run by not having to get another bed once your young one really starts to grow into themselves.
2: Leave the Bedding Alone
Piggybacking off of our earlier discussion involving bassinets, remember how we said that it’s very easy to get wrapped up in designing and going above and beyond on the bassinet?
Yeah, that includes the bedding as well.
I know, I know, when it comes to the baby, sparing expenses goes against that parental instinct to provide the best that you can for your baby, but hear me out.
Some of those fancy, amazing bed sets for a baby’s bassinet can run you up to the two-hundred-dollar range!
But why spend all of that on extra bells and whistles that pose a threat to your infant?
The accessories like bassinet blankets, the cute Elmo pillows, the bed bumpers?
All threats, SIDS threat if we’re going to be completely frank about it.
With that being said, all hope isn’t lost.
All your baby needs is a suitable mattress, waterproof sheets, and a few cheap bassinet skirts that can be easily replaced.
That way, you don’t have to shell out a large dollar amount while putting your baby at risk.
3: Resourcefulness Is A Virtue
Since we’re trying not to throw every penny in the accounts into creating the cozy space for the newborn, that means that we have to get extra creative.
How do we do this?
It all starts at home, so take a look around your own spot before you head out to the baby store with your wallet in hand!
Do you have anything extra laying around, like:
- Extra dressers/ nightstands
- Old chairs, loveseats (these aren’t for the baby, they’re for you)
- Leftover paint from previous projects
You’d be surprised at what you could pull off just by sourcing in your own abode!
“But what if I don’t know how to paint?”
“My dresser is pretty old and missing a few knobs!”
There’s plenty of guides and instructional, step-by-step videos that’ll walk you through all of your setbacks.
And hey, if you can’t find anything laying around the house, fret not because you can still get what you need on a budget.
Thrift stores, as well as online shopping, provide plenty of opportunities to snag whatever piece of furniture you need at a price that’ll agree with your wallet.
4: Take The Changing Table Option Off The Table
Let’s face it right now.
There is no possible way to have a baby coming without being prepared to change a lot of diapers.
And with that in mind, it seems to be a no brainer to make sure that there’s a changing table in the nursery.
Right you are, but consider this.
You’d be better off forgoing spending money on a changing table, putting it inside the nursery, and watching it collect dust in a few months time.
Babies tend to outgrow changing tables pretty quickly anyway, and what will really be the use of one when your baby is sleeping in the bed with you nine times out of ten?
Changing the baby’s soiled diapers?
A must.
Spending money on something that you won’t even use once they start growing?
Nowhere near as necessary as you’d think.
Besides, it’s the twenty-first century!
Instead of a changing table that’s gonna take up a bunch of space in your nursery, you could opt for a crib-top changing station!
They’re portable, easy to use, and easy to put away and store.
5: Decorate The Walls With Decals
One of the most important parts of the nursery building could be the color/design of the room!
Everybody wants to pick out that perfect shade to match, but there’s also the issue of buying the paint, and the tools, to design it.
If you’re going for a nursery on a budget, buying paint can be pretty expensive.
And that’s where a cheaper, easier-to-use alternative comes into play.
Instead of buying paint can after paint can at your local hardware store, you could use wall decals instead!
They’re easy to set up and easy to get rid of, so you’ll be able to achieve the look that you were going for without the hassle and mess of trying to paint it yourself.
Once you’re tired of looking at it, you can just tear it down and throw away the paper.
Simple, easy, cheap.
In conclusion, creating a cozy, cost-effective nursery isn’t as hard as one would think.
All you have to do is be a bit resourceful and creative, be open to the myriad of ways that you can avoid spending a pretty penny on a bunch of extras that won’t last, and enjoy your nursery and your new bundle of joy!
Did you find any of these tips helpful? Let us know!
I love pictures, so I just hang them up in his room beautifully. I smile each time I walk in.