One thing about getting ready for the day as a mom is this: there’s not a lot of time you get to take for yourself regarding hygiene and primping when you have children who need your time as well. You can use many modern technologies to get ready faster, including electric razors for your unwanted body hair and blowdryers to dry out your hair, but it’s always more convenient to find ways to cut down on your daily hygiene tasks.
Here’s where laser hair removal comes into play. Laser hair removal is a cosmetic medical procedure where lasers are used to target where hair grows from, thus killing or damaging the hair follicle so hair no longer continues growing there. Or, hair growth can be lowered or stalled so a patient has less hair to contend with regularly. It’s commonly used on areas of the body where hair is unwanted, including the legs, underarms, and even private areas. As a busy mom, it’s worth it to know what laser hair removal can do for you. Here are five things moms should know about laser hair removal so you’re best prepared should you choose to undergo this cosmetic treatment for yourself.
Prices Vary Depending On Where You Live
If you’re on a budget and want to get laser hair removal done on your body, it’s worth it to know what prices are where you live. It varies from state to state and even from one town to the next based on your average cost of living, competition among local laser hair removal clinics, and other factors.
It’s wise to check prices for laser hair removal as a mom so you can budget accordingly. If you live in New York City, for example, your treatment will be more expensive than doing laser hair removal in Kansas City. It’s wise to get a quote for services before booking any laser hair removal treatments, as even where you have laser treatments done on your body can affect the price.
You’ll Need Multiple Treatments
Unless you’re only getting a very small area treated, you’ll need multiple treatments to get the lasting results you need. On average, you need as many as 6 treatments to get the results you want, although some moms can get great results in hair removal after just a few laser hair removal treatments.
What determines how many treatments you’ll need is your skin color and the darkness of your hair. Light skin with dark hair is best receptive to laser treatments, resulting in the best outcome and potentially fewer treatments. The area(s) you have treated will also determine how many sessions you’ll need.
You’ll Want A Little Downtime
The great thing about laser hair removal is that your downtime is minimal. Still, as a busy mom, it’s wise to take some time to yourself to relax and recover from the treatments. Schedule a sitter for your children or have your significant other watch your children during and after your treatments so your laser hair removal treatments are not just a treat for you, but are something to look forward to as self-care.
Note: while laser hair removal isn’t entirely painful, it can cause a wee bit of discomfort, such as the sensation of being snapped by rubber bands or a slight stinging feeling. All the more reason to take some extra time to relax with a book, favorite movie, or even a nap kids-free after having your treatments done.
You Want To Wait Until After Pregnancy And Breastfeeding To Get Treatments
Just to be on the safe side, it’s better to not have laser hair removal treatments done while pregnant or breastfeeding. Similar to how you wouldn’t want to get tattoos or piercings under the same conditions, it’s best to wait until your baby isn’t affected by these cosmetic choices before having them done.
Laser Hair Removal Is Considered Self-Care
Self-care is important and a way to prioritize your physical and mental health. Since being a mom is a daily taxing responsibility, however rewarding, you want to make sure you take care of yourself in the ways that bring you the most satisfaction. This means don’t feel guilty about having laser hair removal done, the costs associated with it, and the time you take to yourself after you have your treatments done. You can create a cozy book nook in your home for putting your feet up to read and relax, have a cozy robe ready to relax in following your treatments, or you can order a new outfit online that can help you feel great about showing off your smoother skin.
Before Getting Laser Hair Removal Done
If you want to get laser hair removal done, speak to your general doctor about any precautions you should be taking beforehand, especially if you have sensitive skin, are currently breastfeeding, or feel you may be pregnant (or are trying to get pregnant). If you are on blood thinners or have a blood clotting disorder, let your doctor or skin care specialist know of these concerns before getting laser hair removal done as well.
Wrapping Up
Laser hair removal is a great way to take your daily hygiene needs to the next level. As a mom, it’s wise to know the most ideal ways to treat yourself. Explore your options in hair removal to see if laser treatments will work for you.
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