As you prepare for being a mother, one of the questions you’re going to have to answer is what kinds of diapers you’re going to use for your baby. A cloth diaper is at the top of the choices for parents who are eco-conscientious. There are numerous questions mothers have when considering these kinds of diapers. Using them is not as self-explanatory as using disposable diapers, but the advantages for the environment and for your baby simply cannot be ignored. To make sure you’re getting as much as possible out of the diapers you purchase for your baby, you can use these 5 effective tips. You’ll enjoy knowing you’re doing your part for the environment as well as protecting your baby’s health in the process.
Purchase and Use Diaper Covers
One of the mistakes new mothers make when using cloth diapers is to use the diaper by itself. The Honest Company has a variety of covers available for cloth diapers to go over the diaper to make your life a lot simpler. Simply purchase your diapers like you normally would and cover your child like you normally would and then use the cover over it. The cover secures the diaper in place so you don’t have to worry about snapping or pinning. The process of changing diapers becomes as simple as possible. In fact, many mothers who use these covers say it’s even easier than using disposable diapers.
Rinse and Store Your Diapers after Changing
There are different schools of thought about what’s the best way to store a cloth diaper after it has been removed from your baby. Many suggest tossing them into a dry pail to help curb the smell in the home. Others recommend using a wet pail filled with water to give the diapers a presoak before washing. Parents Magazine recommends using a combination of the two methods. You rinse the diapers off as soon as they are removed and store them in a dry pail. The diapers are soaking wet, so they receive a presoak, but they are not just sitting in stagnant water waiting for the wash. If you’re going to follow this method, you may want to keep the pail in the bathroom where the aroma will not be overpowering. If you do follow this method, resist the urge to keep your wet diapers in a sealed container, or in a plastic bag. Doing so can cause them to mold.
Wash Diapers Often and Correctly
Make sure your dirty diapers don’t pile up in between washes. Not only will this stink up the house pretty quickly, but the diapers will not last as long. Instead, make sure you wash a few diapers at a time in copious amounts of water. The idea is to keep the diapers from rubbing against one another to prevent pilling, according to Baby Center. Make sure you’re following the recommended washer settings for the type of cloth your diapers are made out of. The most typical type of diaper is made from cotton, but never make this assumption. The label on the diapers should have the cloth type printed on it. If you purchase diapers with a waterproof cover, the cover may deteriorate in water that is too hot.
Purchase Plenty of Diapers
Even when you’re extremely diligent about washing your diapers, you can easily run through your diapers. According to View Along the Way, you should plan to wash every 2-3 days. This means purchasing around 30-36 newborn sizes and 24-30 of the larger sizes. The reason why you need more of the newborn sizes is because you’re going to change more diapers on a newborn than you will on a child nearing potty training. Keep an eye on how many changes you make in a day. If you want to wash less often, you may want to purchase more diapers. It’s all about what makes you feel comfortable, but this is a good guideline so you’ll have enough to get through at least a couple days without running out.
Change Diapers Often
A cloth diaper is not going to hold a lot of pee, so you’re going to have to learn to watch for the signs your baby is going potty in the diaper. Check often and change the diaper as soon as a mess has occurred. This will not only help to eliminate diaper rash, but will also help to eliminate a “diaper blow-out” and leaking from occurring. You’re likely going to change more often than with disposable varieties. This is why you’re going to need more diapers moving forward. As you get used to checking your baby often for messes, you’ll find it’s easy to know when your baby’s ready for a change. Thanks to this advice, you’re ready to join the ranks of happy mothers using a cloth diaper and getting the most out of it.
we dont use cloth diapers but thanks for the tips.
we don’t use cloth diapers but i am thinking about trying them out. thanks for the tips. i am sure they will help.
Thank you for sharing these tips for parents.