The Keto diet is the ultimate way to shed all those extra pounds that you’ve gained over the last couple of years. If you aren’t familiar with the term, the keto diet is a low carb, high-fat and adequate protein diet, that will help your body get to its best form ever! In the following, we will give you some tips on how to maintain a keto diet.
The ketogenic diet has grown into a way of living, not just another regular diet. The number of people on keto is rising by the day, and that is for the sole reason that this way of eating, gets you what it promises- losing weight and getting your body back on track.
Proteins in the ketogenic diet
When it comes to keto, you need to get an adequate amount of protein of different kinds. No matter if it’s from meat, eggs, and dairy, or plant-based, proteins are crucial in the diet. There are different ways that you can get enough protein, for example, protein shakes, or protein bars. Our choice is the Kirkland protein bars for keto diet that are full of nutrients and taste amazing! What’s best is that you can choose from multiple flavors. What’s your favorite?
Other than proteins, this diet requires a high amount of fat. There are two kinds of fats- healthy and unhealthy ones. We find the healthy ones in meat, dairy, and every healthy and well-balanced meal. On the contrary, we find the unhealthy fats in highly processed food that is bad for our health overall.
Tips on maintaining a keto diet
Once you get the hang of it, the keto diet is not that hard to follow. Simple mistakes can happen here and there but it’s not that big of a deal as long as you stay focused on the main goal and try not to fall off track.
Know your food
When it comes to the keto diet, you need to go low-carb and high-fat. In order to do so, you need to know what food to eat and what to avoid. For example, you already know that you should give up on sweets and refined sugars. Did you know that you should give up on most fruits and other sweeteners as well? Maple syrup and honey are a big NO as well.
Meat and vegetables are preferred when trying to get your body into ketosis. But, you cannot cut the fruit completely out, since it has so many vitamins and benefits that come with it. Some of the keto-friendly fruits are on the list below.
Limit the intake of market keto food
While there are tons of keto-friendly foods on the market shelves, they are highly processed. They stay true to the keto diet, but the nutrients and vitamins in them are drained from all the processing the food has been through.
If you have a little bit of extra time on your hands, it would be best to prepare your own healthy keto meals, or you can order a take-out from one of the keto restaurants in town. We’re sure that they will accommodate your needs and give you a great, keto-friendly meal.
We all want to enjoy an occasional glass of wine or two. There’s nothing wrong with that, and keto supports it. If you like to relax with some alcohol, other than wine, then you can try whisky, tequila, vodka, or brandy, since they have zero sugar. Just be careful not to mix them with sweeteners.
Water, tea, and coffee are your go-to when it comes to keto. Just try to stay away from sugar if that’s possible. Soda, juices, even the 100% natural ones, have too many sugars in them and are best to be avoided.
Consult with a dietitian
A Keto diet is hard to maintain since you have so many vegetables and fruits to cut back onto. It’s easy to make mistakes, and the Internet is not always a 100% reliable source. That is why, it’s best to consult with a dietitian, who will tell you if keto is the right choice for you and will plan out your meals so that you don’t have to struggle as much.
Don’t be too hard on yourself
As we said, keto is hard to maintain, so mistakes can easily happen. What matters the most is for you to get back on track quickly. An occasional mistake such as bringing a potato to your lunch is not that scary. Eating a piece of cake at a birthday party will certainly not harm you. What we’re trying to say is that small cheatings on your keto diet won’t necessarily ruin your progress.
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