Being a mom is hard work; we all know that, but the work is always worth the reward. Though being a mother comes with long nights and longer days, the years go by quickly, and unfortunately, sometimes, the mother’s work shows in our faces. One of the most important things all moms should be doing to keep their complexions looking their best is adding plenty of moisture in both their morning and evening skincare routine, but with all the products on the market, it can feel overwhelming. Additionally, most family budgets don’t allow you to play roulette with products to find ones that actually work. If you’re wondering which moisturizing products are worth splurging, not to mention the time to use them (after all, a mother’s time is precious), keep reading for the best moisturizing products every mom should be using.
Lip Balms
One of the most important pieces of skin care tips to stay moisturized is to invest in a high-quality lip balm and use it diligently. Not only are our lips one of the first places to show signs of dehydration, but if we neglect taking care of them, we end up with chapped lips that, in some scenarios, can end up cracking a bleeding – not a good look, not to mention painful. Lip balms make the essential moisturizing product list without question.
Facial Oils
Especially if you are prone to acne or have an oily skin type, you wouldn’t dream of using facial oil. Well, the truth is, you, too, can benefit from facial oil. While you won’t use these oils during your daytime routine depending on your skin type, they are a beautiful addition to a nighttime routine and help you work on your skin health while you’re sleeping – beauty rest, indeed!
Moisture Masks
Facial masks are all the rage, and for a good reason – they’re quick and easy ways to boost your skin complexion; however, they are not all created equal. When you’re searching for the best moisture masks on the market, make sure you’re purchasing from companies that use ingredients you trust, with a mission that aligns with your values, and of course, has excellent reviews. Moisture masks are essential to keep your complexion plump and bright and are easy to use while folding laundry, taking a hot bath, or even in your car running errands! Find a brand you trust and stock up; you want to use a mask at least twice a week.
While serums aren’t always geared at hydration, they are an essential step to follow your cleansing routine to keep your skin from drying, and they add the bonus of targeting specific skin concerns. Whether you opt for a serum focused on anti-aging, a serum for rosacea, brightening, or anything in between, serums are a critical step to keeping your skin well hydrated, which means fresh and healthy.
Hydrating Cleansers
Not all facial cleansers are created equal, and when it comes to reducing skin dryness and combatting fine lines and wrinkles, it’s paramount that you use a hydrating cleanser on your delicate facial skin. You may know some women who swear by cold creams for makeup removal and facial cleansing, even sleeping with them! While you don’t need to take things that far, a hydrating cleanser, preferably a cream, is a game changer when it comes to skin hydration and health.
Working With a Dermatologist
As a busy mother, you have many appointments on your schedule, but how many of them are for you? You keep a packed schedule of your kid’s extracurriculars, therapy appointments, playdates, and doctor’s appointments, but women notoriously put their health needs on the back burner. When you plan your dental or gynecologist appointments, include a dermatologist on the list. Your dermatologist can help you identify your skin type, address skin concerns and issues and even prescribe oral or topical medications to help with skin issues – including dryness. It would be best to consider a dermatologist a routine doctor you need to see at least twice a year, the same way you view your dentist.
Taking care of your skin doesn’t have to feel like a burden; your schedule is packed, and you’ve got enough on your plate. But, if you’re struggling with moisture issues with your skin, and moisture is the foundation of a healthy and youthful complexion, the above items will make all the difference in your health and confidence, and you deserve both.
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