The teenage years are turbulent times that require adequate care and guidance to cope with the mental challenges they face. Academic pressure, bullying, gender discrimination, and witnessing an unhealthy relationship among their parents are some of the most common issues that lead to stress, anxiety, and depression in adolescents. However, kids during their teen years are hesitant to ask for help or share their problems. Here are 6 signs of depression that you should look out for in your children as they are going through one of the most crucial phases of their lives.
1. Becoming Isolated
The first thing you will notice in your teenager is that they become more isolated and avoid social interactions or going out as they used to before. Spending time alone and avoiding talking to friends is a clear sign that the child is going through a depressive phase.
If you find your child avoiding social interactions, they might need your support as a parent as much as they need therapy. Don’t rush in. Start spending more time with your little angels, gain their trust, and make them feel you’re always by their side. Doing this will help your child cope with the challenges they’re facing.
Besides providing your child therapy sessions, you can ask your child politely about the things that are troubling them. It might be something that needs your involvement. However, remember not to push in too much if you see the child being uncomfortable with your queries.
2. Mood Swings
When transitioning to teenage, children experience a surge of different hormones that result in mood swings. Nevertheless, when these mood swings occur more often and are extreme, it’s a clear sign that the teenager needs therapy otherwise things might get out of hand. These emotional disturbances occur due to the release of various hormones that affect the mind and body. When children step into their teenage years, they experience a natural variety of emotions. Aggression during this phase is also considered normal.
The only thing you need to look out for is the extreme mood swings that occur multiple times in a week and emotionally affect family and loved ones around. If you happen to live in Austin, there are many reliable therapy options to choose from. Reviewing and comparing the available Austin therapy options will make sure you’re choosing the right therapy. Most counselors and therapists don’t charge you for an evaluation so never hesitate to reach out to them and discuss the issues your child is facing.
You can even ask them for suggestions on how to reach out to them and encourage them to give therapy a try. A reliable therapist or a counselor can easily guide your child to recognize these emotions and make sure they can deal with them by themselves. Overreacting to these emotions causes extreme mood swings which can be controlled after providing the necessary therapy.
3. Poor Academic Performance
You will notice an abrupt change in the school performance. They will start losing interest in studies which will affect their grades. Showing poor academic performance can be a sign of an emotional disturbance and the surge of hormones that is making them lose interest. As a parent, it will be easier to notice these changes like not doing their homework or not completing assignments on time.
Another red flag to note is them pulling out of their favorite activities at school. Let’s say they were always an active member of the school newsletter but now have suddenly lost their interest. It’s the emotional and psychological stress that is making the teen withdraw from their favorite pastime activities.
4. Been Through Trauma
Some people can easily cope with trauma whereas for others it takes a toll. Living with trauma through the teen years can drastically change your behavior. A disastrous accident, the death of a loved one, and bullying are the most common forms of trauma that would need to be overcome with therapy.
5. Self-Harm
Our children will become careless, especially when it comes to their bodies and health. The buildup of negative emotions causes them to follow the path of self-harm. The child might even have suicidal thoughts so never waste time managing the situation on your own if you see this self-harming behavior.
6. Substance Abuse
Nowadays, drug consumption is skyrocketing in teens as they perceive these harmful substances as cool. Substance abuse can easily lead to long-term addiction. Poor hygiene, distancing themselves from old friends, and following an unhealthy eating and sleeping routine are all signs of substance abuse that should be addressed immediately. Always check the available therapy options beforehand so you can choose the type of therapy that suits you the best.
As parents, it’s a constant struggle when it comes to raising kids. Teenage life should be full of positive experiences, exploration, and learning about things that would be beneficial for them shortly. We hope you find the information presented useful and aids you in identifying any red flags in your teenage kids’ behavior.
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