Lunch is one of the most challenging meals for most people. You don’t have time to prepare it, preparing it in advance can be difficult, you need it to be quick, you want it to not spoil if you store it, and there are countless other considerations. It gets even worse if you have a busy routine, and you are out most of the day. Some people have the luxury of going home to enjoy their lunch, but for the majority, it can be difficult to get a good lunch that is healthy, quick, and easy. Here are a few great ideas to make your lunch preparation a little easier to manage.
1. Burgers
One of the best things you can get for lunch is a good burger. Burgers are a very diverse kind of food, so you can easily find something that suits your needs. Whether you like chicken, beef, fish, or any other kind of meat, chances are there is a burger that’s made of that type of protein. If you prefer homemade food, then you can put a burger together in a matter of minutes while you are preparing your breakfast, and it will keep well till lunch. If you don’t mind eating out for lunch, there are countless burger options available at every price point.
2. Hot Dogs
Another staple for those that want something that they can eat while they walk are vegan hot dogs. The great thing about this is that the sandwich itself is the highlight and is rarely served with any sides. If you want a heartier lunch, you can always get extra hot dogs in your sandwich, or maybe even buy a couple of sandwiches with extra hot dogs. Just like burgers, there is a lot of diversity in hot dogs. In many cities, you will find variations that are unique to that location. If you want to get a true taste of a new city, try their hot dogs.
3. Salads
If you want something that will stay in your bag for quite a while and still be great to eat, try a salad for lunch. The great thing about salads is that there are so many variables to play around with that the combinations are endless. Whether you like them sweet or savory, warm or cold, with dairy or without, there are so many things you can do. Moreover, if you decide to get a hot dog or something else, the salad will still be a fantastic side. If you don’t like having a heavy lunch because it bogs you down, try a salad instead. If you are dieting and want a meal that can be customized to meet your macronutrient requirements, a salad is a great choice.
4. Rice And Meat
For a lot of people, lunch is the main meal of the day. Maybe you don’t have time to cook in the morning, or you have a really late lunch, so you don’t need to have dinner anyway. If you are looking for a hearty lunch that will be easy to put together, consider some steamed rice and a protein of your choice. A rice cooker will make this even easier.
You can easily prepare the rice the previous night, and it will stay warm in the cooker till the next day when you want to pack. Pan fry or grill a protein that you enjoy and just pack the two together. You can add some salad to your lunch bowl and there you have a complete meal. If you don’t like rice, you could use a starchy potato like sweet potato or even make some mashed potato and have that along with your protein source. Both these foods have a high satiety value, so you will easily be feeling full till dinner time.
5. Pizza
While you won’t have the time or the space to make a pizza for lunch when you are eating at the office cafeteria, it is definitely easy to get. You can buy a slice from your own café, or you could order a pizza at the office. Like burgers, the options are endless with pizzas and, combined with the fact that they are so easy to get, it’s a fantastic lunch option, especially for those in offices.
6. Chow Mein
Chow Mein is unique because it is fast food, but it is also traditional food at the same time. Just like pizza, you will have no problem getting some Chow Mein delivered to your workplace and there are many ways you can customize this dish. If you are looking for a good mix of carbs, protein, fat, and flavor, a healthy bowl of Chow Mein is the way to go.
All of these lunch items are things that you can make at home in a large batch, and they will stay fresh in the fridge for several days. You can easily make a big batch of different things on the weekend and have something new to eat every day. Things like burgers don’t have to be unhealthy. There are several restaurants and cafés that specialize in making gourmet versions of your favorite fast foods that are both healthy and delicious.
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