The wellbeing and functioning of our cardiovascular system is what we refer as blood pressure. There is a normal range in which this functioning has been examined to lie. Any divergence from this range shows an abnormality (hypertension) in the system and hence may cause damages in the blood vessels.
Our body therefore, works to keep a normal range of blood pressure for healthy living. On some occasions, the body fails to maintain the level and hence, it is our task to keep the balance by engaging in healthy activities. Outlined are six simple tips that you can use to control blood pressure.
Lose weight
Majorly, hypertension is linked with overweight bodies. The problem comes in due to low levels of activity in the body. It is therefore, a prerequisite to ensure that your body weight remains within a normal range. Homeostatic functions of the body are very efficient when body weight is more flexible to adapt to different functions hence one should maintain a favorable weight. This can be met by;
- Having a recommended feeding habit. You can even skip some meals if not necessary as well as lowering sugar consumption.
- Doing regular exercise can cut your weight. These include; sit-ups, and morning runs
Get moving
Regular exercises allow well body functioning. The homeostatic activeness of your body depends on your continuous exercises.
- For better outcome, have a half-hour exercise in a day and make your muscles active. This will greatly improve your cardiovascular activity and help you overcome health problems.
- The exercise should be enjoyable and not strenuous as this may cause stress. Try to do what you like the most provided it makes your body active. You can do dancing, cycling, taking brisk walks with friends or even participating in gardening. All this will help your body functioning and in turn overcome hypertension.
Reduce sodium intake
High sodium intake is linked to hypertension as it alters the saturation in the blood. Hence, to overcome blood pressure, ensure to reduce the level of sodium intake. You should aim at 2300 mg per day for better results.
Accounting for this can be hard if consuming purchased food and hence, you should aim at consuming prepared food and know the amount of salt you consume. Also,
- Don’t add salt to food already cooked. It all adds more sodium into your diet
- Always cook with sea salt. It works best when controlling hypertension.
Read labels
Regulating your diet is the most important factor when dealing with hypertension. For this case, you should understand the contents of everything you consume. For better choices, always read through the labels first before making a purchase.
- You should never purchase anything that is rich in sodium and preservatives as these are enemies of your health.
- Always work for goods and products rich in magnesium, calcium and potassium. These are the best ions in your diet.
- Don’t settle for anything that you can’t understand.
Reduce stress
Stress is the best contributor of blood pressure. You should take time to think of what stresses you and try to understand how you can solve the stress.
- If you can’t solve the issue, then try to cope up with it. Try including yoga in your daily routine, meditate or even read a book to calm you down and do away with the stress.
Check your pressure regularly
You should always monitor your blood pressure range from time to time. It is recommended you take the tests once a year. But if you observe constant irregularities with your blood pressure, it’s good to have a regular check at home only.
- See your doctor regularly to assess any cardiovascular issues discovered.
- If having blood pressure tests at home, ensure to do it correctly. Feel free to ask your doctor in case of any questions.
- There should be an expectation of higher reading when waking up and when in job and lower reading when relaxing.
- Take your medication as recommended.
You can even consider homeopathic treatment to control your increasing blood pressure. Normalife can be considered as a beneficial homeopathic treatment due to the active ingredients present in it. They are filmed capsules which can easily be stored in a bottle.
Hypertension has become a common problem nowadays and is the origin of many other serious diseases in the human body. With a balanced lifestyle and appropriate medications, it can be controlled easily.
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