Staying at your best when you have kids is tough. You spend so much of your time chasing after your kids and taking care of them, on top of everything else you need to do – like work, cook, and keep your home in order. It’s no wonder that many moms struggle with staying at their best. But being the best you can be is important, not only so you can provide a better life for your children, but so you can give them a good example to look up to. So, with that in mind, here are a few tips you can use to help you stay at your best.
Get More – and Better – Sleep
One of the most important things you can do is change your sleep habits. It’s hard when you first have a child, as they may keep you up all night. But as your kids get older, and need less attention throughout the night, it’s important that you’re getting plenty of rest. This means not only getting to bed at a reasonable hour, but that you sleep well while you’re there.
The key to this is time management, and a comfortable bed. There’s always something else that needs doing, but before bed isn’t the time to do it. Force yourself to get to bed at a reasonable hour each night, no matter how many things remain on your to-do list. The other thing you’ll want to do is ensure you’re sleeping on a good mattress. A good mattress is key to a restful night’s sleep, so head over to a local mattress supplier, or try out a mattress comparison tool like Sleepare, and find a mattress that’s right for you.
Change Your Diet
How much energy we have throughout the day depends largely on our diets. If we aren’t eating healthy meals, then our bodies are not getting the nutrients they need to fuel themselves. When you start to feel sluggish during the day, take a look at what you’ve been eating. Make sure you’re having a solid breakfast each morning, and that you’re keeping yourself fueled throughout the day with healthy snacks. Try to avoid foods with too much sugar – they’ll give you energy in the short term, but you’ll end up crashing later on. Also remember to drink plenty of water, as dehydration can make you tired.
Find Time to Exercise
You may think that chasing your kids around all day is exercise, but sometimes it isn’t enough. To stay healthy and at your best, you should try to set aside some time each day to really get a good workout in. Something as simple as going for a quick walk around your block or putting on a workout DVD while the kids are napping is a great start. Exercise keeps our bodies healthy, and they can even release endorphins to improve our moods and give us more energy. We know it’s tough to think about exercising when you’re spent all day chasing your kids but do your best to fit in some kind of workout each day.
Set Aside Some “Me Time”
You can’t spend your enter day focusing on your kids. This will drain your energy and leave you feeling exhausted at the end of each day. To stay at your best, it’s important that you set aside some “me time” each day. This could be that 20 minute walk around the block in the afternoons, or simply reading a book after the kids have gone to bed. Find something that you enjoy doing, and that you can do without your kids distracting you. Getting away for even just a few minutes is often enough to recharge your batteries so you can dive back into giving your kids all your attention.
Don’t Forget to Socialize
If the only person you talk to all week is your partner and your 2-year old, you’ll go crazy. To stay at their best, moms need to socialize with others. This can be during playdates for your kids, or a separate time on the weekend when you hire a babysitter. The important thing is to have adult conversations with others, so that everything in your life doesn’t revolve around your kids.
Get Help from Your Kids
Finally, a great thing you can do is have your kids help you out around the house. If your home is more organized that’s one less thing to worry about, and your kids can be a big part of this. As they get older, give them some chores to do, even if it’s just cleaning up their own spaces. The less you have to do to organize and clean things, the more energy you’ll have to stay at your best.
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