Customizing your mountain bike fines tunes it to give you flawless riding experience. These 7 custom tip setups are straight forward processes that you can do it yourself.
Customizing Cleat Feel
Cleat-pedal contact is one of the fundamental elements for comfort.
Cleat pedals prevents your feet from bounce off the pedal when riding through the bumps or putting power.
For optimal performance, you need to use a metal spice under the shoes; this makes it easier to engage your bike.
Spare Cleat Bolts
It’s uncommon for bikers to lose their clip, it’s always good to have an extra pair with you.
See, nothing is more exasperating than losing an essential component of your bike when you’re far away from home.
To avoid this, why not carry a spare cleat bolt on your bike on each of your bike wheels.
You can customize your bike by having five normal bolts and one spare cleat bolt in each wheel in case anything like that ever happens.
Silence Chain Slap
A chain slap is one of the frustrating things you shouldn’t get on your bike. This is because you will often have your bike chain making noise when you pedal.
A clicking noise usually comes from your chain as it jumps up and down a gear on the rear cassette.
The rustling action also chips off your bike paint.
The good news is, thus can typically be fixed by the use of a silence chain slap, preferably the soft rubber, to ensure a noiseless operation.
You can purchase the mastic soft rubber chain slap and stick it on the chainstayon whatever length you need preventing noise and paint scraping.
Spare Joining Link
One of the crucial elements you should always tape on the controls of your bike is a joining chain link.
Depending on your preference, get that chain link and tape it on your control until that time when you are on a ride, and you snub your chain. You can then fix it back and get back on the trail.
Stopping Rattles and Cable Rub
Most of the modern bikes have plenty much good cable ratings, but you can still get cable rub depending on how you run your bike, flipping up and down.
If the cables of your bike strike each other, they might be a bit noisy and also rub away your bike’s paint.
To keep them as silent as possible, you should join the cables together using tape. You can also put a little patch under the cable contact using the rubber mastic tape to stop the rattling sound and cable rub.
Dropper Post Levers
A dropper post is lauded as the essential technological advancement for mountain bikes and has quickly become one of the most sought-after customization features.
Dropper seat post operates through the use of a seat post or a handlebar located remote lever. In bumpy or muddy conditions, you can struggle to keep a grip on the lever.
Some people have used a hacksaw to cut on the lever for a bit of traction, but you can also use some self-setting rubber for a better grip. You can also use some selves to customize your own clipper parts for a nice personal touch.
Quick Fork Lube
This is not actually a setup tip but a step that you should take before hoping on your bike.
It is important to pay attention to your suspension to keep you ride smooth when riding, especially in rough surfaces.
You can do a quick trick to ensure the ride keeps smooth by loading the gutter spring down on the folk, taking the end of an anchor cable toy, and just slide it between the stanching and the rubber seal. This will give you some decent suspension for your ride.
We hope these tips for the ultimate custom MBT setup are actually helpful to you. Following these tips will help take your bike’s performance and experience to the next level.
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