Parenting is the most challenging job that you will ever have. There are negative influences from social media, bullying, technology, school violence, and the list goes on. Ultimately, you want your children to be live happy and become successful. What should you focus on as a parent to make sure that your child becomes a productive member of society? There’s no magic formula, but check out and read some suggestions that you should start incorporating now.
Some parents may argue against chores and letting “kids be kids.” There’s a way to have tasks be a part of your household routine without it being punitive. Kids will learn life skills such as laundry and mowing the grass. They will also learn respect by appreciating the work involved in maintaining the house. You can list the chores on the refrigerator, and offer a small allowance for each item that is completed. As kids get older, they will learn to appreciate and work hard for what they earn.
Teach Social Skills
Communication in today’s society is different than any previous generation has experienced. Technology and social medial have hampered our ability to connect on a personal level. There is no skill that is more important than learning how to communicate with each other. “Please” and “thank you” go a long way to help your child learn how to interact with others. As a teenager, you can encourage them to get involved in social groups and talking through different situations. You can role-play interviewing with your teen who is applying for her first job.
Get Involved in Fundraising
A simple fundraiser at your child’s school can help them develop into future entrepreneurs. They will learn business skills such as budgeting, sales and customer focus, leadership, problem-solving, and communication. Encourage your kids to get involved in fundraisers from elementary to high school. Your local church or non-profit organization is another opportunity for them to get involved.
Discipline When Necessary
Discipline needs to be a part of your parenting plan. Correct inappropriate behavior immediately and show them the right way. Spoiling your child and never saying “no” is a recipe for disaster. Kids can quickly become self-centered and crave attention incessantly by getting everything they want. Your child will show more empathy towards others by learning to keep their ego in check. Do not forget about positive reinforcement as well. Kids of all ages respond to getting praise for doing the right thing.
Take Music Lessons
There are tremendous benefits by having your child take music lessons. Music is excellent for improving brain power by bolstering creativity and logic. Playing an instrument is difficult, so your child will build a lot of confidence through the process. These skills will carry on with them into adulthood. You can let your child experiment with all different types of instruments to find one that they like. Your eardrums will take a beating, but it will be worth it in the end!
Get Involved
Parents that are involved and present in their kid’s lives will make a dramatic impact on their future. Make time to attend your child’s sporting events and dance rehearsals. Do not allow your work to consume your life and create distance from your kids. Make a concerted effort to talk to your kids every day about their experiences. Get to know their friends and what influences them. Monitor their social media because this can have an enormous impact on their behavior. You kids will undoubtedly thank you as adults for being a positive influence.
Set High Expectations
You should not expect perfection from your child, but set the bar very high. Teach your child to give 100 percent effort on pressing matters like school and athletics. Never belittle them for the result as long as they tried their best. Your actions are the best way to model expectations for your child. Do not ask them to do something you would not do yourself!
Parenthood is rewarding, exhausting, challenging, and one of the greatest experiences to have. Watching your children progress through each stage of life is truly remarkable. Take the responsibility of being a parent seriously, remain consistent on applying success strategies, and you’ll be happy with the result. You just might be raising the next President of the United States!
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