I have told Heath that for our next baby I am definitely going to make all our own baby food!
With the Baby Love Cookbook, written by Norah O’Donnell and her husband Chef Geoff Tracy, it is SO easy to make healthy, delicious and EASY meals for your baby and toddler!
These recipes are super easy which is a must when you have a baby or toddler!
There are over 60 recipes like Peach Purees, Very Blueberry and Apple Puree, Perfectly Basic Peas and Baby Guacamole!
For toddlers there are recipes like Mac N Cheese, Blueberry Pancakes and Banana Flax Bread!
And they didn’t forget Moms and Dads too! There are some yummy recipes and drink mix recipes for us too!
I love this cookbook because they lay out exactly what you need to get started and how to store all this food!
It’s actually cheaper to make your own food and freeze it rather than buy the jar foods!
Want to win your own copy of the Baby Love Cookbook?
~Mandatory Entry~
What is your baby or toddler’s favorite food?
~Extra Entries~
1. Follow Geoff and Norah (BabyLoveFood) on Twitter!
2. Like Baby Love on Facebook!
3. Follow my blog!
4. Follow Sippy Cup Mom on Twitter!
5. Like Sippy Cup Mom on Facebook!
6. Subscribe to my blog via Email! (Box is on right side!)
7. Blog about this giveaway and leave a comment with the URL! This is worth TWO entries!
8. Grab my button and leave a comment letting me know where to find it! This is worth TWO entries!
Good luck! This giveaway will end on November 17th!
My little guy is such a picky eater – but one thing he will ALWAYS eat is Mac&Cheese!
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My Maggie loves green beans! It's always my "go to" veggie for her!
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carrie at carriewithchildren dot com
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carrie at carriewithchildren dot com
My little girl is 5 months so for another few weeks her fav and only food is breast milk.
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My son loves chicken nuggets!
Ahhh, I'd love to win this! My baby's favorite food is…food! She seriously loves everything, but maybe peaches and bananas are her faves!
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G loves bananas
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My son's favorite food is mac and cheese!
randi3208 at yahoo dot com
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My 2 yr old likes baby jars!
mmayerfeld at gmail
My 7 month old loves apples, winter squash, and breastmilk!
omgababy at gmail
Like them on Facebook as Pick Mason
omgababy at gmail
Like you on Facebook as Pick Mason
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going to sound crazy but Natalie's favorite baby food was broccoli and she still eats it nearly daily as a toddler! she also likes steak & shrimp a lot too!
my son's favorite food is anything with cheese in it
following sippy cup blog
My baby's only food right now (besides BM) is baby oatmeal but I wouldn't say it's her favorite – she makes a disgusted face with every bite!
Following Baby Love on Twitter under heyitscorie
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My twins love sweet potatoes. But that was yesterday, today could be different! 🙂
My baby's not here yet, so I'm not sure (I'm due Feb 23!)
brandielam3 at gmail dot com
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brandielam3 at gmail dot com
Chicken nuggets.
Thanks for the chance to win.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
My baby JUST started baby foods and she's 9 1/2 months old. We tried but she never cared until now lol. So far, the only thing she likes is green beans. That's ok with me! 🙂
So far, my baby loves everything! But I think her favorites are Banana's and Butternut Squash!
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Heather Haddox
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Heather Haddox
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My baby's favorite food is fruit!! She will eat most any fruit, cut into tiny pieces.
My Niece loves applesauce!
I follow you on twitter: @Latsyrc728
favorite is applesauce.
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i follow you on facebook.
i subscribe via email – using my @gmail.com address.
breast milk is the babies right now. lol And the older one everything is his fav food!
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blogged about it! https://618mom22boys.blogspot.com/2010/11/awesome-give-aways-galore.html
blogged about it! https://618mom22boys.blogspot.com/2010/11/awesome-give-aways-galore.html
added your button, left side top.
added your button, left side top.
My little guy loves applesauce!
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My little guy will eat just about anything! But he really seems to like baby cereal!
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#1 I have your button!
#2 I have your button!
My son's favorite food is mac & cheese. 🙂
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I "like" Baby Love on FB.
Avacado and Banana are some of my little one's favorites.
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My baby's always loved applesauce!
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I have your button on my sidebar