Back to School season is in full swing and Macy’s wants you to enjoy a fun-filled afternoon while checking out all of the must-have looks for boys and girls!
If you’re in St. Louis, you’ll want to bring the kids for afternoon of fun with Radio Disney! !
The event will begin with games and excitement for the kids to enjoy including cool, healthy snacks. You’ll have the opportunity to meet Callum from Austin & Ally. Plus, find out how to enter for a chance to win a trip for four to L.A. to visit the Radio Disney Studios and experience a “take over” with a Radio Disney star!
While there, parents and kids can check out all of Macy’s must-have looks for boys and girls, and with any $35 Kids purchase, receive Macy’s exclusive school lunch bag!
The event will be at the St. Louis Galleria on Saturday, September 7th at 2pm. I’ll be there with my kids checking everything out and I’d love if you came too!
To see if the Macy’s and Radio Disney event is coming to a city near you, check out!
Disclosure: I am a member of the Everywhere Society and Everywhere provided me with compensation for this post about Macy’s Back to School and Radio Disney. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed herein are my own.
what a great time for the whole family which i could go
Now I wish I was in St Louis! That sounds like a super fun event to attend for the whole family. Sadly, far too far away for this family.
Sounds really fun!
Wow! How fun! Being in St. Louis would be a plus to be able to attend this event!
This sounds like so much fun! If I lived closer, I would totally be there! 🙂
This looks like so much fun! I wish we lived close enough to go 🙂
Sounds like a super fun day!
I think that this is an awesome event and if I lived closer, I would love to go. I love shopping at Macy’s! They have awesome back to school clothes!
Radio Disney is going to make it even more fun! Wish I was a local so I could go too!
It’s always a fun event when Radio Disney is involved!
Oh this sounds like a fun event! We love Radio Disney, I wish there was a Macy’s near our house. I hope y’all have fun!
Oh wow!!! If only I lived 6 hrs closer!
What a fun event and it’s definitely something that my daughter would love! She always turns the XM radio to the Disney channel. Too bad St. Louis is really far away! LOL!
What a fun event, if I was was in St. Louis I would certainly have to go.
Long way from St. Louis. Looks like a fun event.