The blog Yummy Mummy on a Pink Park Bench is hosting a blog party June 5th and 6th. It’s Blogging Against Bullying!
I hate bullying! And really, who doesn’t? Well, I guess if you’re a bully. But deep down I think bullies bully people because they’ve been bullied. Bully, bully, bully.
I am terrified of Hayden growing up and going to school with others. I don’t want my precious, sweet boy to be bullied. I’m tearing up thinking about anyone being mean to him. But, I don’t want him to be a bully either. We will work hard as parents to make sure he is a caring, sweet boy.
I just read this afternoon something about bullying on Facebook. My friend has a gorgeous daughter. She is tall. Kids are already making fun of her height. And of course she is coming home with her self-esteem plummeted and feeling bullied. It’s sad.
We have to make sure our kids are aware of this! I know I am going to do everything in my power with Hayden to make sure he is aware of other’s feelings.
Come over to A Yummy Mummy on a Pink Park Bench and link up for this Blogging Against Bullying Party! Grab the badge and then write your own post!
Yummy Mummy says
Thank you so much for partipating!
I'm right there with you. I am so afraid of Lil Mootz being bullied once he gets to school and how I'll handle it and how I'll help him through it. It's so sad that it starts when they are so young. I hope I'm teaching my son to be a caring and compassionate person and that he won't ever be a bully. I just don't understand how kids so young are already bullies…
Julia says
never heard of this party! bullying is huge. i was a bit bullied as a kid, although i don't remember it much. my brother does… he remembers sticking up for me and almost getting into a lot of fights to help me out!!
Jeannette says
You are so right! We have to stop the cycle by teaching our children not to bully. Unfortunately most bullies are that way because they don't have good role models and feel unloved. I hope I can teach my son to be compassionate and not stand by while someone is bullied.
Steph says
This couldn't have come at a better time. Thanks for joining this, I'm going to join now!
Kayla says
Hey I am a follower from twitter. Please make sure to stop by my blog and follow my family.
I was bullied so much when I was little and it has really made an impact on my life. I know we are grow up and should not dwell but it can really hurt a kids character if they are tortured as kids. My Potato is so soft hearted and is destined to be a giant in school. I have to expect that he will get picked on and can only hope that DH and I can make him strong enough to put it past him or teach him to handle the bully. If you know what I mean because sometimes it just doesnt work to tell the teacher.
Kelli says
Nice to meet you! I also participated in the Blog Against Bullying Party! I look forward to stopping by again =) Thanks for helping spread awareness!