Peace. Love. Books. All You Need, Right?
Wow, a lot of people asked me how I find time to read 4 books a week! I thought I’d go ahead and write a post on my love of books.
I seriously love to read. It’s a big passion of mine. My Mom says that I taught myself to read when I was 3 years old reading Berenstain Bear Books. (which are still awesome! I love The Berenstain Bears And Too Much TV!)
I grew up reading “The Babysitters Club”, “Sweet Valley” series (Twins, High and University, of course!), but I also loved reading the books required for school like “Lord of the Flies”!
My favorite author is John Grisham and I’ll never forget the first time I read him. I was 13 and read my uncle’s copy of “The Rainmaker”. Next I read “The Firm”, which is now my favorite book of all time. I started check marking how many times I read it in my paperbook copy (18 times and counting!) and yes I said paperbook copy. I think I own 3 copies of “The Firm”.
I really will read anything. Besides “The Firm”, my favorite book is “Shogun”, by James Clavell. Heath introduced me to him and I’m so grateful. “Shogun” is a big read, so I read it once a year. I also love historical fiction, Chick Lit (Big Sophie Kinsella, Jennifer Weiner, Lauren Weisburger and Emily Giffin fan!), biographies (I LOVE Frank Sinatra and Kennedy Family books which I inherited from my Grandmother!), Mystery and Science Fiction. Okay, pretty much anything. except Westerns. Let me know if you’ve read a good Western. I will try it.
I guess I am a fast reader. I really do retain all that I read too. And how do I read 4 books a week? Well, I’m lucky that my son take a 4 hour nap everyday! I read a lot then. I also read at work. Shhhhh. I work part-time answering phones and it can be slow so I get a lot of reading done then. Thankfully, Heath knows how much I love reading and leaves me in peace to do it.
There are so many books that I love and could recommend. Maybe I’ll start a “I recommend” post each week, LOL!
Right now I’m reading 2 books actually. “By Invitation Only” by Jodi Femina. It’s a book that I picked up at the library on a whim, but I’m really enjoying it. A fast read! I’m also reading “Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter
” by Seth Grahame-Smith. This is a slower read, but I’m really enjoying it. It’s loaded on our iPad, so I haven’t been reading it as fast because I fight Heath and Hayden for the iPad.
I just finished “Mommywood” by Tori Spelling (Which you can win a copy HERE!) and “Nanny Returns
” by Emma McLaughlin.
So that’s pretty much it! I love to read! If you ever have any questions, let me know!
I love to read, too…but there's no way I could do all my mommy duties, blog, and read FOUR books a week!! You are awesome girl!
Currently reading The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest…the last in the Stieg Larssen series. I'm sad it's coming to an end, but can't wait to see how it ends!
The Berenstein Bears and too Much Birthday is my favorite. It is still frequently referenced in my house.
My Grandpa just gave me The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. It's next on my list!
KLZ-Ah, that's a favorite too! 🙂
I need to check out Mommywood. Thanks for the rec!
BTW, The Baby-Sitter's Club was a HUGE HUGE HUGE favorite of mine growing up. Maddy has a bunch of them now herself! And um, I read one the other night. For nostalgia 😉
i miss reading and i dont bode well with audio books. i like to hear the pages being turned, smell the pages…
oh, i grew up on SVH, too!
Sweet Valley high was the best! I have The Girl with The Dragon Tatoo on hold at the library now…can't wait to read that one!
I think your weekly list would be awesome!
I just can't get over the 4 hour nap!!! I'd love to get some recommendations from you.
I would say that Nancy Drew and Babysitter's Club were my favs. I've always loved to read and I hope my children enjoy it always.
I LOVED babysitters club and sweet valley twins!!
right now i love jackie collins and sophie kinsella 🙂
Yes, thank you for this great blog post & for reminding me of Babysitters Club! I always wanted to be Claudia but I was such a Mary Anne 🙂 Right now I'm reading 4 books too! 2 about WWII and Eleanor Roosevelt, What to Expect the Toddler Years, and Freakonomics. But it'll be a year before I finish! How do u do it?
Katie–I think the 4 hour nap is slowly getting shorter. Yesterday was 3.5! 😉 What kind of books do you like usually?
lindseyloo–I have never read Jackie Collins, but I think I'd like her books!
Lindsey-I was a Mary Anne too!