Waking up early, preparing breakfast, taking the kids to school, cutting grasses, cleaning the house, polishing the floors – there’s virtually no end to a mom’s busy schedule. If you are a stay-at-home (or a working) mom who feels like you are near burnout, you are not alone. Being a full-time mother takes a toll on the mind and body and science has proven it.
A new study conducted by the researchers at Akron and Penn State University found that women who return to work after having children have more mobility, energy, as well as less depression at the age of 40 than women who stay at home, but you already know that, don’t you? Being a mom must be the hardest job in the world.
Anyhow, you can save your sanity and de-stress for a better health by balancing your life so that you can enjoy it with the ones you love. Here are some ways to de-stress.
Set-up a routine. Routines may sound laborious and boring, but in truth, it helps you have more free time to do other things that are relaxing or fun, which are just what you need. Start creating a list of routines that have to be accomplished daily and weekly. Concentrate on the ones that brings the most stress and list ways to get these things done faster and more efficiently than previously.
- Is getting the kids to school the most stressful? List what you can do the night before (pack lunches, iron clothes, etc.)
- Is supper the most hectic time? Make it easier by preparing earlier in the day to cook parts of the meal.
Teach your children teamwork. Be positive and enthusiastic when approaching them with ideas on how they can assist you with household chores. This will give them the sense of empowerment and pride by letting them choose the tasks they will be obliged to complete. As an added bonus, give them rewards every time they successfully fulfilled a task. This way it’s a win-win.
Schedule time to have fun. Of course, you should schedule fun as well. Investing in a recreational activity now and then will quickly re-energize you. Love going out with friends for lunch? Do it! Fan of chick flicks? Watch a movie on a weekend! Raring to go back to your yoga class? Do that! It’s your job to take care of yourself so that you can be a better mom who’s happier, more fulfilled and more energized.
Shift the environment. Sometimes it’s your community that’s causing the major stress in your life. It could be the loud neighbours, the criminal-prone area, the aged house where something breaks down every week, a tiny yard that you can’t even cultivate, etc.
Staying in such location and condition can tax your mental and physical health more than you know. If this is the case, consider relocating to a better place – better yet, get a vacant property that you can customize yourself through the land for sale in Melbourne, Auckland, Massachusetts, or any peaceful place you can think of. By shifting your environment, you’ll boost your chance at a better life with less stress and a brighter future – for you and your family.
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