I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away! We have been making sure that we are saying what we are thankful for each night at dinner but then next two weeks we will be busy getting ready for a Thanksgiving Feast at my son's … [Read more...]
Pilgrim Hat Cookies
With Thanksgiving next week, I've been having fun doing activities with my kids as we talk about the history of Thanksgiving and what we are thankful for in our lives. Sometimes it can be hard to discuss the bigger meaning with children, … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving Countdown Calendar
There is something so exciting about counting down the days with your children until a big event, celebration or special day. This hanging leaf calendar counts down the days until Thanksgiving, but with a sentimental twist. Behind each leaf is a … [Read more...]
Gobble, Gobble!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all are having a wonderful, relaxing and delicious day! I want to say how thankful I am for my family. I have the best husband and the sweetest little boy. I also have a wonderful extended … [Read more...]