I'm so excited to share a new weekly vlog series that I have started with Emily from Our Knight Life and Lolo from Crazy About My Baybah! We will be sharing in our videos a different topic each week- everything from motherhood, … [Read more...]
Blast from the Past TV Shows with Netflix #StreamTeam
One of the best things about having kids is reliving your childhood. I love the fact that I can buy my girls a Cabbage Patch Doll {I still have my own named Jenny!} and my husband loves the fact that our son is so into Star Wars … [Read more...]
Olivia and Evie Turn One: 12 Months of Photos
Well, really Olivia and Evie turn 13 months next week but when you have TWO one year olds running around, things get a little hectic! I can hardly believe that they are already one year old. I can honestly say that this past year … [Read more...]
My Love Story {$200 Gift Card Giveaway from Coupons.com}
Disclosure: I was provided with a promotional item by Coupons.com . All opinions have not been influenced and are my own. With Valentine's Day approaching, I'm starting to feel romantic. With 3 kids {and two of them being 11 … [Read more...]
I Look Down on Women Who Can’t Support Women
So you may have seen the post I Look Down On Young Women With Husbands And Kids And I’m Not Sorry circulating around the internet lately. I really hate to link to it, but it's there and I highly suggest reading it if you want to … [Read more...]
Moms, Get Camera Courage with Dove! #CameraCourage
I love pictures. I'm constantly taking pictures with my phone or my camera and my husband is known to groan when at yet another family event I demand that a picture of the whole family be taken. But as much as I love taking … [Read more...]
My Favorite Time of Day
I am not a morning person. I wish I was one of those people that pops out of bed, works out for a bit and then goes on about their day. I am not one to hit the snooze button over and over again, but I just don't like to get up … [Read more...]
My Son’s Imaginary Superhero Birthday Party
For months, I have been planning to have this big Superhero Bash for my son's 6th Birthday Party. I've been pinning lots of super cute ideas over on my Kid's Birthday Parties Pinterest Board and had plans to rent a room, have an … [Read more...]
In Defense of Slow Drivers
Anyone who has ever driven with me can tell you that sometimes I get a little bit of a temper while driving, especially when it comes to someone who is driving slow in perfectly fine weather or someone that is riding my tail. I … [Read more...]
Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Party! #UBP13
Wow! It's already that time of the year again - 5 Minutes for Mom's Ultimate Blog Party! Thanks for stopping by Sippy Cup Mom and pour that glass of champagne or wine as you hop through all of these blogs! And drink one for me, will you? I'm … [Read more...]
Taking Belly Shots During Pregnancy
When I found out I was pregnant with my son back in 2007 I was over the moon excited! I've always wanted to be a Mom and I immediately went out and bought a ton of books and dreaming about baby all of the time. The one thing I … [Read more...]
Time to Buy a Swagger Wagon
A few days ago we announced the exciting news that we are expecting twins! With that news comes so much preparation! We have a lot to buy and do to our house in the next 6.5 months but the one thing weighing on my mind was that we … [Read more...]
Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Party! #UBP12
Hello and thanks for stopping by Sippy Cup Mom! My name is Melissa and I'm a blogger and work-at-home mama to one toddler who is always on the go-go-go! Here on Sippy Cup Mom is where I blog about a little bit of this and a little bit … [Read more...]
Oprah’s #LifeClass in St. Louis
Back in February, my friend Carrie gave me the heads up that Oprah would be in St. Louis filming 2 different shows for her Lifeclass Tour. I thought it would be an amazing experience so I signed up for the lottery to try … [Read more...]
The Controversy with Toddlers Cursing
I am not one to go around cursing on a daily basis but I'll admit there are a few frustrating occasions where I have let a bad word slip while my three year old has been around. I usually realize it right away {or my … [Read more...]
Word Love: Disney Edition
Source: simpledisneythings.tumblr.com via Melissa on Pinterest Source: notquitesusie.com via Melissa on Pinterest Source: quotedisney.tumblr.com via Melissa on Pinterest Source: vi.sualize.us via Melissa on … [Read more...]
Adele Lyrics
Smile and Take a Deep Breath: My Word Love
Whenever I'm stressed out or need a smile, I love to look at this Word Love Board that I created over on Pintrest! Source: someecards.com via Melissa on Pinterest Source: umeandthesea.tumblr.com via Melissa on … [Read more...]
Five Question Friday – October 21st
It's been a long time since I've done a Five Question Friday, but I thought it was time to do another one! I'm liking up with My Little Life! 1. Where do you escape to when you've had enough? There aren't many times that I've … [Read more...]
Star Wars Has Taken Over Our House!
I didn't even see the Star Wars movies until I was 18 years old. It was a first date with my now husband and we watched Star Wars. (Wasn't I a good sport?) I'll go ahead and admit now that I'm definitely a nerd. I like sci-fi … [Read more...]