We love Playmobil! I even played with Playmobil when I was a little girl. I love that my kids are now playing with Playmobil toys. It brings out their imagination. From historical playsets to modern day playsets, Playmobil gives kids an … [Read more...]
Win a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Prize Pack from Playmates!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows is in theaters on June 3rd and we can't wait! My son has been collecting Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys for awhile now but he is so excited for the new toys from Playmates Toys! To … [Read more...]
Celebrate National Princess Week with the Mermaid Magic Princess Sofia
With two little girls, you can bet that we are celebrating National Princess Week this week! Olivia and Evie are three and there's nothing better in their little world right now than being a princess (well, except maybe being Queen Elsa). … [Read more...]
Meet Smart Toy Bear from Fisher-Price!
Do you remember the toys that you used to play with? Such simple toys...I used to have a doll that I would take with me everywhere and I would make up adventures with. Things have changed so much since I was a kid as now toys are being made … [Read more...]
Hot for Christmas – The Good Dinosaur Toys and Disney Infinity 3.0
When my husband and I first started dating over 13 years ago, we quickly found out that we had a love of Disney in common. We were both off on Thursdays and we would always visit the Disney Store together. When that store closed and there … [Read more...]
New WWE Toys from Mattel
It's hard to believe but Christmas is almost here and I'm already thinking of what the hot toys will be! Two toys that are sure to be on that list is Mattel’s “Create A Superstar” and “Create A Ring”! WWE is one of the most popular forms of … [Read more...]
Toddler Fun On-The-Go with Playskool Toys
I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Playskool. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation. It seems that our family is always on … [Read more...]
Scooby-Doo Stop Motion Videos + $200 Gift Card Giveaway
A few months ago, my son was watching YouTube and discovered that new LEGO Scooby-Doo sets would be coming out. He went CRAZY and immediately had me research to see when the sets would be released in the stores. Once the big day came, we … [Read more...]
Donkey Kong and Bowser Join The Skylanders SuperChargers Lineup
HUGE news for Skylanders fans! My son was absolutely giddy when I shared the news and pictures with him! Activision Publishing, Inc. has announced the addition of two iconic Nintendo characters to the Skylanders SuperChargers lineup! In … [Read more...]
Tiny Love Tummy Time Mat
After I had my daughter and we packed away all of her gear from when she was a baby our basement flooded and more than half of her things were ruined. So, when I found out I was pregnant with Cooper, I slowly started to pick up little things here … [Read more...]
Little Tikes Big Dog Truck
It's been a while since there's been a toy in our house that really grabbed and held the attention of my son. Our little guy, M, is almost 22 months old. Our playroom sometimes looks like a toy catalog exploded in there! He and … [Read more...]
Skylanders Unveils New Light & Dark Elements This Holiday Season
Anytime Skylanders news comes out, we get excited in this family! Right now, Hayden is at school and he doesn't even know about this exciting news yet! Activision Publishing, Inc., is thrilled to announce two new Skylanders elements – Light … [Read more...]
Customize An Action Figure with HeroMe
My son is HUGE into superheroes. Like, pretty much obsessed. His whole room is decorated in the Justice League and the cartoon heroes cover his wardrobe too. He's always asking for superhero toys, so when I had the chance to give … [Read more...]
Start Your Engines! Mega Bloks Hot Wheels Super Race Set 8-in-1 Giveaway!
My kids + three cousins +Mega Bloks Hot Wheels™ Super Race Set 8-in-1 = a wild ride! The excitement was almost too much. We pulled the little packets of Mega Bloks pieces out of the box and I barely had time to snap a picture! The box … [Read more...]
Non-Electronic Holiday Gift Idea: Board Games
I received products to review in exchange for this post. No other compensation was received. This Christmas, one of my main goals is to give my kids non-electronic presents. They already have an iPod and Kindle, and that's more than enough. … [Read more...]
Radio Flyer’s 25 Days of Holiday Giveaways – Win an All-Terrain Steel & Wood Wagon Today!
It's the happiest time of the year and one of my favorite things about right now is how giving everyone is! I love being able to gift friends and family - both big and small! Radio Flyer knows how that feels too because they are celebrating … [Read more...]
#BlackFridayMadeEasy at Toys“R”Us
When I think back to my childhood and Christmas, I always remember the excitement of sitting down with an ad and circling all of the toys that I wanted. I just received an advance copy of the Toys“R”Us Thanksgiving Weekend circular and both … [Read more...]
Classic Christmas Gift: EZ Fold Radio Flyer Wagon
Whenever I think of a classic Christmas gift, for some reason I always think of a Radio Flyer wagon. I must have seen pictures of a little red wagon under a Christmas tree full of gifts. We never got a wagon for my son when he was younger, … [Read more...]
VTech Learning Toys for Toddlers
The Holidays and Winter is coming {and if you thought of Game of Thrones just then, let's be friends okay?} and I know that I'll be cooped up at home with my one year old twins. I'll be looking for lots of activities and toys to … [Read more...]
Creative Kids “Be Who They Wanna Be!” with the #LittlestPetShop Customizable Downtown City
I participated in an Influencer Activation Program on behalf of Influence Central for Littlest Pet Shop. I received a sample to facilitate my review and a thank you item for participating. #MC #sponsored Kids are so naturally creative. They … [Read more...]