Do you celebrate the Day of the Dead?
El Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead), a Mexican celebration, is a day to celebrate, remember and prepare special foods in honor of those who have departed. On this day in Mexico, the streets near the cemeteries are filled with decorations of papel picado , flowers, candy calaveras (skeletons and skulls), and parades.
It is believed that the spirit of the dead visit their families on October 31 and leave on November 2.
In order to celebrate, the families make altars and place ofrendas (offerings) of food such as pan de muertos baked in shapes of skulls and figures, candles, incense, yellow marigolds known as cempazuchitl (also spelled zempasuchil) and most importantly a photo of the departed soul is placed on the altar.
Death is laughed at in its face. Many euphemisms are used for death, La calaca (the skeleton), la pelona (“baldy”), la flaca (“skinny”), and la huesada (“bony”). There are refranes, sayings, and poems that are popular with day of the dead. These sayings are cliches and lose meaning when translated. For example “La muerte es flaca y no puede conmigo” means “Death is skinny/weak and she can’t carry me.” Calaveras (skulls) are decorated with bright colors with the name of the departed inscribed on the head. Children carrying yellow marigolds enjoy the processions to the cemetery. At the cemetery, music is played and dances are made to honor the spirits.
To celebrate, print this Kermit the Frog coloring sheet and teach your children about this celebration!
Click on the link below to print the coloring sheet full size!
Don’t forget to see The Muppets, in theaters on November 23rd and like The Muppets on Facebook!
This sounds so fun!! Maybe when Alex is a little older.
We love Dia de los Muertos, the Kermit sugar skull art cracks me up, thanks for posting!