Whenever your child does something great, whether at home, school, towards their grades, or an extra-curricular activity, you might want to acknowledge how well they are doing, and even make a record of this. In addition to this, instilling a sense of praise and achievement in your child can help to motivate them in future ventures, as they will remember the success and positive feelings they had in the previous one.
Keeping Records
While some smaller achievements may be left undocumented, there may be others that you wish to have a permanent reminder of. Achievements such as learning to walk, ride a bike, finishing their first school and, in later years, graduating from high school, college, or university, could very well take pride of place in your home. To accomplish this, whether with photos from your cellphone or camera, or scans of historic prints, you could use a free online collage maker to collate them all into one, stunning print display. Having this featured in your home will not only allow you to recall those feelings of pride at the things that your child has accomplished but can also help them to work hard at their next goals in life.
Benefits to Mental Health
Praise of achievements can help your child’s mental development in a number of ways. They may be more likely to repeat that behaviour, due to the positive association with success and your reactions. Alongside this, praising a child can help to boost their confidence, which can be vital if they struggle with negative emotions. This level of praise can also be incredibly useful in challenging times, or when your child is struggling to accomplish something, as it will reinforce your belief in their capabilities, as well as remind them of how absolutely loved they are. At times, positive reinforcement can also do far more for a child’s mental wellbeing than negative reinforcements, so this could also go a long way towards helping them develop as a person.
Teach Them Consideration
Even though your child may be excelling at their endeavours, not all children will be achieving the same. One of the most important traits you can teach a child at this point is to be humble. This doesn’t mean that they cannot celebrate their own achievements, but instead is more about doing so in a kind and compassionate manner, so as to not make others feel bad if they are not doing as well. Showing support to their friends will allow them to grow further as a person, without taking away from others.
Celebrating and praising your child’s achievements, while teaching them to not brag to others or use it to put themselves on a pedestal, can really shape the type of person that your child will become. By bolstering their mental health through positive interactions, you can easily end up with an adult who is confident in their capabilities but also has a high level of kindness and understanding for others.
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