Having a family is a great privilege. Whether your family is just you and your spouse or there are multiple children involved, you are in a relationship in which you are dependent on one another. This is especially true with young kids as you must care for them and teach them until they become adults themselves.
Choosing the right career can serve as the backdrop for raising a family. If you can find a job with a solid work-life balance, then you won’t have to sacrifice time with your family while earning an income.
One career path that could be perfect for your family is becoming a licensed electrician. Not only will this role provide you with a decent and reliable income, but it will also teach you skills that will be useful around the home to care for your family. Here are a few ways that an electrical license can support both family and career development.
Educational Requirements
Like many jobs, you must have an education before you can become a licensed electrician. In most states, there is a licensing exam that you must take and pass to receive your license, but there are many other electrician requirements that vary from state to state. Here are a couple of examples of the educational requirements across the country.
To become a journeyman in Alabama, you will need 8,000 hours of on-the-job experience. 2,000 of those hours could be from an accredited school program or apprenticeship, and then you must pass the state exam.
As one of the few states without a statewide licensing exam, you must pass whatever local municipality requirements are in place.
Completion of an apprenticeship or electrician trainee program is required to take and pass the state exam. 8,000 OTJ hours would also suffice in California before the exam.
North Carolina
There are no statewide requirements for hours of experience needed before studying for your North Carolina electrical license and passing the exam. Any requirements are based on regulations from your local municipality.
Once you reach 7,000 OTJ hours, you can take your licensing exam. Even if you pass, you will not receive the license officially until you have logged 8,000 OTJ hours, confirmed by a supervisor.
The Benefits of an Electrical License for Your Family
Now let’s talk about why becoming a certified electrician is a great choice, both for your career path and your family life. If the educational requirements seem reasonable for your professional goals, this career path has a lot to offer you and your family.
Reliable Pay
The reason to have a job is to make money, and certified electricians make a decent amount across the country, though there are variations from state to state. The average licensed electrician can make over $70,000 each year, with top earners potentially making around $100,000. The more experience you have, the more you can charge for your rate and earn a solid income to support your family. People need electricians for all sorts of reasons, from handling circuit breaker issues to maintaining air quality indoors, so the demand for electricians is likely to be consistent.
Potential for Flexible Schedules
Electricians can either work as independent contractors or for an employer. While you are subject to the scheduling of your boss when working for a general contractor, going solo would give you the opportunity to be flexible. This is a great option for more experienced electricians who can find work on their own based on years of experience. With this goal in mind, you can envision a future when you have more time to spend with your family by working as an independent contractor and making your own schedule.
Practical Skills to Teach Your Children
When you live in a home, regular maintenance and repairs become a part of your life. Working on your home is an opportunity to teach your children practical skills like electrical work. This can incorporate everything from choosing the right equipment for home maintenance to understanding how electrical currents work. This can open your child’s mind to greater development while also equipping them with useful knowledge for the future.
Support Your Career and Family With an Electrical License
The work of electricians will always be needed for both residential and commercial purposes. This makes it a reliable career path that can support your family and encourage their development. There are educational requirements to complete, as with most jobs, but once you have your license, you can pursue work as an employee or independent contractor. With potential benefits like stable pay, a flexible schedule, and teaching opportunities with your children, this is the perfect career for anyone who wants a job that supports family development.
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