I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Zarbee’s Naturals. I received product samples and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
Sleep is such an important part of a child’s development. It ranges by age, but children between the ages of 1-3 need 12-14 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period and children between the ages of 3-12 need anywhere from 11-13 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period! Sleep is so important for children because it directly impacts both mental and physical development. Because of that, it seems like I have spent a lot of time getting my children on consistent bedtime routines!
Even before my twins were born, we made sure that we had a consistent bedtime routine for my son. A few things we make sure to do is start limiting electronics at least an hour before bedtime. Then, a warm bath to help them calm down – nice and relaxing! For the girls, they have a bottle, book and cuddle time before we put them in their cribs for the night. For our 6 year old, he has us read a book to him and then can read some more books himself – as long as he stays in bed.
When the twins were born, it really messed up Hayden’s sleep schedule. Since the girls were up every 2 hours through the night, it would sometimes wake him up and it was hard to get him to fall back to sleep. We struggled a bit getting him back into a good routine since those first few months were so crazy and I’m wishing that I knew about Zarbee’s Naturals Sleep and Children’s Sleep products earlier!
Zarbee’s Naturals Children’s Sleep is for children ages 3 years and up. It can help children that have the occasional problems with their bedtime routines, traveling and especially the recent time change! I love that it’s natural, safe and effective.
Dr. Zak’s Nine Tips to a Good Night’s Sleep
Check out Dr. Zak’s nine tips for a good night’s sleep for kids – although there are some useful tips for adults too!
These are such fantastic tips and we try to incorporate all of them into our nightly routine. If you’re interested in Zarbee’s Naturals Children’s Sleep, use the promo code zarbeessleep to save $1.50 plus get free shipping for all orders over $10!
What are some of your sleep tips for children?
I need a magical STAY ASLEEP PAST 5am button for my 3. i’m kind of excited for the kids to get older and want to sleep so I can go in and keep them up all night for no reason 🙂
We try to stay as consistent as possible with bedtimes. I need to look into these products. One of my boys uses melatonin to help him fall asleep.
I’m with Brett, we need the stay asleep button. White noise really helps, though.
You are so right that this would have been great when the twins weren’t sleeping all night! It’s so hard to feel rested when your sleep is chopped up like that.
Where was this for my older girls when they were little? I have no sleep tips because all of my kids have been awful sleepers…
Yikes! My kids definitely don’t get enough sleep at night – they usually get 9-10 and the 2 youngest should be getting 11-13!
I used to be good at a bedtime routine, but I get so caught up in all I need to get done, sometimes I look up and it’s already past the time I want to put them to bed. We may need to try Zarbees for my oldest – she has such a hard time falling asleep!
My nine year old is ok about going to bed now, but my six year old is a nightmare. Maybe I will try this.
NIghttimes are a breeze for us, but Naps are a different ball game… he doesn’t want to stay in bed AT ALL. Excuses abound.
We have used Zarbee’s before and we love it!! We had the cough syrup. Love that it’s all natural.
My little guy will not sleep with a pillow. It drives me crazy. He must get this from my mom…cause she never slept with a pillow either. These are all great tips! Sometimes getting kiddos into a good routine is hard.
I love Zarbee’s cold medicine. I will have to research this alittle bit for when my son turns three in a few months. He is starting to have sleep issues now.
I’ve never seen this product before. I used to have a good bedtime routine that worked when my daughter was younger. Now that she’s 2 and a half bedtime has become a nightmare. But so has everything else at this age!
When my children were younger ( now adults) they were always in bed by 8pm and they were actually glad to go to bed by the end of the day. Being a former nurse this is an interesting concept giving children a drug to go to sleep, be it natural or not.
These are great tips! I don’t have any kids, but my best friend has been having trouble with her son keeping a regular schedule. I will pass these on to her 🙂
Who every thought that SLEEP would be such a struggle….God knows I don’t have that problem!
Those infographics have interesting information. I definitely think my kids need that much sleep.
I think my kids could use a little more sleep. With this time change it has been hard to get them in bed early. Other than that my kids have a really good sleep routine. I’ve been pretty fortunate in that department.
That’s a helpful infographic. I have trouble getting enough sleep myself – I’m lucky I don’t have to worry about sleep for kids too!
I wish I would have had this a few times. We have been lucky lately that my son as been on a consistent sleep schedule. But I am glad to know that this product exists!!
I am so glad my kiddos are sleep trained. Sleep training was exhausting, no pun intended! I’ve heard Zarbee’s is a good product. I’ll recommend to any friends that need a little help.
My son does not get 12 hours of sleep at night, but I figure his two-hour nap during the afternoon helps with that number. We’re consistent in our routines. Pajamas, brushing teeth, books, lights out and then songs. He doesn’t normally fight it now, though he will talk for a while after we leave the room.
A routine is so key to a good nights sleep. Our boys started a bed time routine from birth.
It’s good to know there is a drug free sleep aid for kids. I know lots of parents give their kids Benadryl to get them to sleep.
We have always be consistent with the bedtime routine here. There are some times that the time will be later than others, but we always do bath, snack, and book before bed. It helps our 3 year old wind down so he can sleep.
My boys all get 12 hours of sleep. Youngest gets 14 with his nap. They turn into monsters when they’re tired.
Consistency is definitely KEY. My daughter used to hate sleeping in her room. She would get so upset each night and I would eventually allow her to sleep with me. I realized that making her feel comfortable and taking baby steps each night would help the transition. After a few weeks she was used to sleeping in there on her own and sleeps through the whole night.
Sleep is no doubt one of the most important aspects of our health. Sleep deprivation can lead to serious and detrimental problems. I can’t really overemphasize how important sleep is in our lives. Babies and children are no different. They need enough and quality time of sleep to grow and stay strong. So I really appreciate these tips on how to have a good night sleep. Kudos to your post SippyCupMom!
I love these tips! I totally abide by #9 and never have caffeine after lunch time. Sounds like you’re a great mom 🙂
These are great tips! Creating a bedtime routine is so important for a child.
I don’t have kids yet but these are great tips and will keep them in mind for the future!
I tried the Zarbees products for my kids and love that they are made with natural products.
My 4 year old gets between 10 and 11 hours. Any less than that and she is one crab apple!
My mother-in-law probably wishes that this stuff was around when my husband was a kid. When he was an infant and toddler he would NEVER sleep.
We try to quiet things down shortly after dinner. Change into pajamas and have story time. They love storytime which can be good or bad depending on the books chosen for bedtime. lol
My almost 3 year old has been having such a rough time sleeping lately. They really do become miserable when they don’t get enough.
Sleep is so important for kids. My children go to bed early for this reason. They need to rest up for school.
I love that it’s natural. No need to load the littles up with junk if we don’t have to!!
This would be a wonderful product for any mom with a colicky baby… Night time zzzzs is what most moms miss.
These are great tips! My four year old still fights us every night!
Great sleep tips! We use a bunch of those too. My littlest had a hard time sleeping tonight too, love Zarbees products and the relief they offer.
I struggle with this with my teen. She stays up late doing whatever and come morning has the hardest time getting up. It is such a tricky balance!
B has really been pushing his bedtime, but my husband taught my son some relaxing techniques to help him fall asleep. It seems to be working!
According to the diagram above, my grandsons are getting the right amount of sleep for their ages. Consistency is key!