I love all the great t-shirts that are available at Crazy Dog T-Shirts!
They have so many shirts, it’s so hard to choose just one!
There are some great “Vintage” shirts, including this “Save Ferris” Shirt that I love!
They also have a ton of “Funny” shirts! I always smile when I see someone wearing this “Dunder Mifflin” shirt out in public.
I was able to pick out a T-shirt to review. Since I knew my husband would love any of these, I let him pick one for himself. He had such a hard time choosing which one to get and finally settled on this one.
It’s a shirt for the Winchester Tavern, from the movie Shaun of the Dead
, one of our favorite movies!
I ordered the shirt true to size for Heath and it fit perfectly! The shirt is super soft and very comfortable!
Crazy Dog Shirts is giving away one lucky reader a shirt of their choice, $19.99 and under!
(US Only)
The giveaway will end on Sunday, September 26th. Winners cannot have won a shirt from us or have been sent a shirt for promotional purposes in the last 90 days.
*This is my first time using Google Docs for giveaway entries.
It’s a test run for Mommy’s Lil’ Monster Bash!
Let me know if you like using this form and I might continue doing it in the future!
The 3 required entries are your name, email and what is your favorite shirt from Crazy Dog Tees?
For extra entries you can:
“Like” Crazy Dog Tees on Facebook!
Sign up for Crazy Dog Tees Newsletter! They have lots of cool contests!
“Like” Sippy Cup Mom on Facebook!
“Follow” Sippy Cup Mom on Twitter!
Vote for Sippy Cup Mom on Top Mommy Blogs! This can be done once a day! Just fill out the form every day and check mark that you voted!
For extra entries just check mark what you have done!
That was a much easier and faster way to enter a giveaway!
The only thing I wonder about though is how do you verify things like following in twitter? It might be better if there was a text box beside it to enter twitter name or facebook id etc.
I love the forms they are my favorite way to enter – I do have a question though – me and a friend have our own blog and we use the form for giveaways as well, but we can't figure out how to embed the form in the actual blog post – can you email me with info on how you did this? We have been trying for over a month to figure this out!! LOL cpevey@ymail.com Thanks!!!