If you don’t want to spend too much money on a branded jacket, you can make yourself one, which would catch the eyes of everyone who sees it. Why not even re-sell it for more? In this article, we are going to tell you how to paint leather jackets with spray or acrylic paint, paint stencils and how to customize them with pinback buttons, studs and spikes.
The first thing you should do is find an inexpensive black leather jacket. Back in the days, only metal heads were the one wearing them, but now they have become more mainstream than ever. Read further to learn how to customize your leather jacket in order to express your personality.
Remember that you should never use fabric marker sharpies on black leather, because they are going to fade eventually or they won’t even show up. From what we have tested, the best way to paint on a leather jacket is with metallic sharpies. The acrylic paint is also an option, but it takes far more time to dry, and it’s a bit messy.
Customizing Tips for Leather Jackets
- Paint sticks can be found under the name “tyre pens.” They can usually be found in art, bike or motor shops. The paint sticks usually come in 3 standard colors: white, silver and gold.
- The metallic paint sticks often shed particulates, which is a significant drawback. However, you won’t have this problem if you use a white pen.
- You must paint on top of an existing paint due to the fact that these pens are solvent-based and they can react with each other. Try to keep the new and existing paint separate.
- By using a sealant, you will increase the durability of the paint.
How To Paint A Leather Jacket
- Spray Paint – Read the instructions for safety, because they are hazardous.
- Acrylic Paint – There are some types specifically designed for painting on leather products.
- Leather Dyes
We suggest a contrast on the jacket by using bright colors such as purple, yellow, red or green. However, to apply a bright color on a black jacket, you will need to add a white coat first. The good thing is that when you don’t know whether you want to paint the whole jacket, you can start painting it partially and see where it goes.
How To Paint A Leather Jacket – With Stencils
If you are a creative individual, then probably you won’t have troubles creating a unique design for your leather jacket. You must let your imagination run wild and in no time you will have a model worth envying. However, if you don’t have any ideas, let us help you!
- You can write musical lyrics on the back or the sleeve.
- Many designers copy tattoo designs mainly because they look incredible on leather jackets
- Try with Abstract graffiti
- Pinbacks are very popular, so you might want to check our guide and learn how to create your own pinback buttons.
If you plan to write a text on your jacket, then we suggest Tippex. It’s extremely user-friendly and inexpensive.
Your jacket isn’t perfect without spikes or studs. For this process, you have the freedom to place them wherever you want. However, you must remember that they must be comfortable to wear.
Being artistic doesn’t end with leather jackets. If this has become a passion to you, then why not make it your very own business? You can easily buy inexpensive clothes and turn them into magnificent hand-made pieces of art.
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