Nowadays, technology is changing at a rapid pace, and we need bigger, better and faster internet connections. Before connecting to the Internet for the very first time, you need to have a hardware device in place. Moreover, you need to choose your Internet service provider (ISP) that is a company which owns dedicated computers known as servers with the help of which you can access the Internet. After that, you need to choose a type of connection for the purpose of going online. There are, in fact, a lot of ways an electronic device easily connects to the internet and all these ways make use of various hardware and each contains a different capacity of connection speeds. You can consider if you are in search of the best internet and television providers.
In this article, we have got you covered with a list of some of the different types of internet connections that are available for personal and home use, coupled with their average speeds.
1- DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is one of the popular internet connections that are always “on.” This type of internet connection uses 2 lines. In this way, your phone will not be distorted when your computer is connected. Moreover, you do not have to dial a phone number for the purpose of connecting to the internet. Digital Subscriber Line uses a router to transport data as well as the range of connection speed. DSL is usually considered as a form of broadband communication. It uses phone lines as well as fiber-optic cables for transmission.
2- Cable
On number 2, we have a cable through which an internet connection travels with the help of a modem. It runs through cable lines, and its speed usually ranges from 512K to 20 Mbps, but there’re different speeds which depends if you’re downloading and uploading data transmissions. If you want to get faster access, you can use the coax cable as it provides a good bandwidth over DSL telephone lines and dial-up. This broadband service is relatively fast and brings your TV programming rather than your phone line.
3- Wireless
Wi-Fi or Wireless is an internet connection that doesn’t make use of phone cables or lines to get connected the internet. Wireless works with radio frequency and is also an always-on connection. It can be accessed from just about anywhere. Its range is between 5 Mbps to 20 Mbps.
4- Internet over Satellite
This is an internet connection that allows a user to access the Internet through a satellite that orbits the earth. As there are enormous distances, so, signals must travel from the earth to the satellite. Due to this, the Internet over Satellite is to some extent slower than high-speed copper or fiber optic cables.
All the points mentioned above explain the most common types of internet connections. All these offer pros and cons in terms of the quality of the signal as well as potential service interruptions depending on the company and your locale.
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