Cookie cutters are such innovative tools in the world of baking. They can elevate any cookie looks wise and add a fun factor to them. Cookie cutters are very easily found at any store or can be found online as well. Websites such as have a range of cookie cutters that you can choose from. Have you ever thought of using cookie cutters for something other than cookies? Here are different ways you can utilize cookie cutters.
Bakeable clay gift tags
Choose a clay of you choosing to make tags and choose a cookie cutter of any shape or size. Gently press the cookie cutter on the clay to cut out the form before baking it. There you have a beautiful clay gift tag all made by yourself.
Carving a pumpkin
Do not let your kids do this without adult supervision. Grab a cookie cutter of your desired shape and place it on top of the pumpkin. Gently hit it with a hammer until the cookie cutter pierces entirely through the pumpkin.
Making clay ornaments for your Christmas tree
The process is the same as making the clay book tags. However, you need to poke a hole on one side of the ornament before baking it. Pull a string through that hole and hag it on your Christmas tree.
Fun shaped sandwiches
Make your regular old sandwich. Once you’re done, place the cookie cutter on top of the sandwich and cut out your desired shape. This is great for packing lunch for kids in school. Please don’t waste the leftover, and try and incorporate them later on.
Cute s’mores
You can use the cookie cutter to cut out a shape in the middle of the graham cracker before placing it on the chocolate and melting it. This way, when the chocolate melts, It will ooze out of shape cut out in the graham cracker.
Pizza toppings
On Valentine’s days if you’re planning on making your significant other some homemade pizza. The heart-shaped cookie cutter and cut the pepperoni into a heart shape before putting it on the pizza. A cute little twist on a classic pizza slice
Fruit salad
Suppose your kids don’t like eating fruits. Try cutting the fruits using different shapes of cookie cutters. You can also put different shaped fruits together in a bowl to make fruit salad. Your children will enjoy fruit like never before.
Do you feel like giving your children a fun, but healthy breakfast? Take a piece of bread and cut a shape using a cookie cutter in the middle of it. Place the slice of bread in and crack an egg in the middle of it. This will make a cute breakfast with zero effort.
A guide for children
For children who learn to draw and identify new shapes, cookie cutters act as a fantastic guide to help them draw and identify the shape better and quicker. Just place the cookie cutter on a piece of paper and tell your child to trace along the edges of it.
Christmas themed pancakes
Christmas morning breakfast is always important and pancakes make it even more special. So, use your cookie cutters to make it even more special. Use a cookie cutter to make Christmas tree or reindeer-shaped pancakes. You can either make your pancakes and cut them into the shape of your choice or spray your cookie cutter with a non-stick spray, put it in your pan and pour the batter in it.
DIY Air Freshener
By using equal parts of cinnamon and applesauce to make a dough and then flatten the dough. Use your favorite cookie cutters to cut different shapes out of the dough. Bake your shapes. Once they are baked, put a string or ribbon in them, and hang them wherever you want. You can also use them as gifts for your friends!
Do you want to make cards for your peers, but are unable to draw perfect shapes? Well, you can use your cookie cutters as stencils. Use your cookie cutters to trace shapes of your choice and fill them with color or glitter to decorate your cards.
DIY Garlands
You can always have a fun garland-making competition with your kids. All you need to do is get some cookie cutters, ribbons, and things for decoration. All you have to do is attach your cookie cutters using a ribbon or a string and decorate your cookie cutters, for a more festive look, and your garlands are ready. Hang these garlands in your kitchen, guest room, or your Christmas tree to decorate your house.
DIY Bird Feeders
Use the cookie cutter to make cute bird feeders. You need to have cookie cutters, bird seeds, hot water, and strings to make them. Make a mixture using bird seeds and hot water (you can add other things to the mixture based on your preference.) then place parchment on a tray, put your cookie cutters over the parchment and pour the mixture in them. Make sure to put a small straw in the mixture to make a hole for your string. Place your tray in the fridge and let the mixture harden. Once ready, take your tray out and take all the mixture out of the cookie cutters. They will be perfectly shaped! Put a string through the holes you made and hang your cute bird feeders wherever you want!
Mini pizza
You can make mini pizzas to give to your children for lunch or to serve at a party. All you have to do is to cut your favorite shapes using a cookie cutter out of pre-made dough. Top it with your preferred toppings and bake. This is an efficient way of making cute shaped mini pizzas.
Different shaped marshmallows
Your children do not like drinking hot chocolate? Well, you should make it fun for them. Add different fun-shaped marshmallows to make them happy. All you have to do is flatten a marshmallow and cut out different shapes using a cookie cutter. Add the fun-shaped marshmallows to whatever you like.
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