Yes, we just went to Walt Disney World in October and yes, we are going again next month. We just can’t stay away! There’s lots of things that you can do to get your kids excited about an upcoming Disney trip and watching Disney movies is one of them. Olivia and Evie just turned 2 so we are having fun introducing them to Disney movies that they have never seen. Our favorite place to watch Disney movies? Netflix, of course!
There are SO many Disney movies on Netflix, but here are some of our favorites that we have been watching.
– Hercules
– Mulan
– Lilo and Stitch {We are having breakfast with Lilo and Stitch at ‘Ohana!}
– Dumbo
For the Really Little Ones
– Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Road Rally
– Jake and the Never Land Pirates
Want to get FREE Netflix? Check out this great resource on how to get free Netflix!
What’s your favorite Disney movie to watch on Netflix?
Disclosure: I am part of the Netflix Stream team and compensation has been received. However, we have loved Netflix for years. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
We like watching Disney Movies and these ones on Netflix are so good and we usually watch a couple of these during the week! My niece loves Disney movies.