I love watching movies with my husband!
Especially romantic comedies!
And I’m excited for any romantic comedy that has Katherine Heigl in it! I’m such a huge fan of hers!
I even got the chance to participate in an interview with her over the phone last week where she chatted about motherhood, balance and more! Check back for another post with the interview!
Life As We Know It will be available on DVD and Blu-ray next Tuesday!
This quirky romantic comedy follows Holly (Katherine Heigl) & Messer (Josh Duhamel), two seemingly unsure adults, who become unexpected parents to their best friends’ daughter after a tragic accident. As opposites attract, the two struggle to put aside their differences, learn how to care for their charming adopted daughter Sophie and become a family through these unforeseen circumstances.
Life As We Know It is the perfect movie for a Girl’s Night In or a Mom’s Night In!
Check out the widget below for great ideas on hosting a movie night! It includes recipes, games and more! You can even send eVites straight from the widget!
Make sure to check out Warner Brothers where you can buy Life As We Know It! It’s available for download and also on On Demand, DVD and Blu-ay!
You also have the chance to WIN Life As We Know It on DVD! Three Lucky readers will win the DVD and Soundtrack!
~Mandatory Entry~
You must be a Google Friend Connect Follower of my blog!
Tell me, would you watch this movie for a Girl’s Night In or Date Night?
~Extra Entries~
Follow me on Facebook and/or Twitter. (1 Entry for Each)
Subscribe to my blog via email. (2 Entries)
Grab my button and leave a URL where I can find it. (2 Entries)
Download my iPhone App. (3 Entries)
Tweet about this giveaway. Just hit the retweet button at the top of the post! (1 Entry per day)
Please make sure to leave a comment for each entry! It makes it easier to count entries! 😉
Good luck and this giveaway ends on February 13th! There will be THREE winners!
I have been wanting to see this movie, it looks really cute! I would use this as a date night with my husband. We don’t get many date nights, and this would be a great chance to have one! Thank you for the opportunity. I am a gfc follower!
I’m a Google follower!
I would love this as a date night movie with the hubby!
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I’m a Twitter follower
I follow via GFC as primrose
I’d watch this on A Girl’s Night In.
I also tweeted about the giveaway! Thanks!
1st entry: your button is on my blog: https://theishblog.blogspot.com
2nd entry: your button is on my blog: https://theishblog.blogspot.com
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follow you on twitter as rlee1950
yourstrulee(at)sasktel(dot)net is already subscribed to the mailing list of The Life of a Sippy Cup Mom!
GFC follower!
I would save it for a date night with my hubby since we dont get much of those at all!
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I would watch this at home with my hubby 🙂
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I’m a follower. I would watch it at girl’s night! captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com
I’m a google follower and I’d watch this for a date night!
I like you on Facebook – my FB name is Amanda Moore
I tweeted, I’m @AmberGoo: https://twitter.com/AmberGoo/status/33003382243336192
I’d watch this movie as either, date night or chick flick night. Want to watch it!! GFC Follower
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retweeted https://twitter.com/#!/giveawaytreats/status/33006047379718144
I follow via GFC as LUCKYLADY42.
I would watch this movie for a Girl’s Night In by my self.
I follow on Facebook.(Darla Kidder)
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#1 entry
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I tweeted this giveaway.
GFC follower. Would love to stay in & watch with my 18 year old daughter. Our kind of movie. Will send hubby to the computer to watch something!
Thanks for chance to win
brosius at tds dot net
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Michele Ertter Brosius
brosius at tds dot net
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brosius at tds dot net
Retweet button had error message, I clicked share on twitter below the post.
I have no idea how to find the url on twitter..sorry
I did tag you in the tweet.
brosius at tds dot net
I follow you via GFC and would watch this for both 🙂
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I’d make my husband watch it for date night.
I follow on gfc and would watch this for a date night.
enter me I want to see this
daily tweet
I tweeteed!
This movie looks cute, I would watch it for a date night with my hubby
following you on twitter
I follow your blog and I would watch this movie with my husband, looks like a funny movie.
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Donna Hufman Warrington
I follow you on Twitter as 2Cats2See
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I tweeted.
I follow your blog via GFC.
This would definitely be one for the Girl’s Night In!
I follow you on Facebook. (Cheryl HeartnSoulmom)
I follow you via Twitter @HeartnSoulmom
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I am an email subscriber.
Following via GFC and I would probably watch it with the hubby.
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Tweeted about giveaway.
Follow on GFC & I would watch this on a date night!
brandielam3 at gmail dot com
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brandielam3 at gmail dot com
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brandielam3 at gmail dot com
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brandielam3 at gmail dot com
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brandielam3 at gmail dot com
It’s pretty cool that you have an iphone app – I downloaded it 1
brandielam3 at gmail dot com
Downloaded iphone app 2
brandielam3 at gmail dot com
Downloaded iphone app 3
brandielam3 at gmail dot com
GFC follower Sweetshenanigans
I would watch this for a Girls night in!
following you on twitter @Alliegal101
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tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/Alliegal101/status/33712817420902401
Daily Tweet
(sorry if this shows up more than once, I wasn’t sure if it posted)
I follow via GFC and this would make a great Girl’s Night In movie. 🙂
i follow you on twitter – shootingstarmag
Daily Tweet
Tweeted 🙂
Daily Tweet
Daily Tweet
I am a GFC follower
I would love to watch this movie on a date night
Your blog button is here.
Your blog button is here.
I follow via GFC and would watch with my girls at Blogher!! 😛
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Tweeted 🙂
Can you tell I want to win?!? I love this movie 🙂
Following on GFC-becky davis
I would watch it as a Girl’s Night out.
bdavisnc at gmail dot com
following on FB-becky watts davis
bdavisnc at gmail dot com
following on twitter-bdavisnc88
bdavisnc at gmail dot com
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bdavisnc at gmail dot com
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bdavisnc at gmail dot com
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bdavisnc at gmail dot com
added button
bdavisnc at gmail dot com
Follow you on Twitter @ASDsupportNC
Daily Tweet
I’m a GFC follower 🙂 I’d watch this on a date night with my guy…looks super cute!
I am following via Google Friends Connect.
I would love to have this movie for Date Night as I am sure that my husband would love it as well.
I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.
I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com #2.
I am a follower.
Girls’ night in. This looks like a great movie. Katherine Heigel is great. Thanks.
I like you on facebook.
I follow you on twitter, harvester5905
2/12 tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/harvester5905/status/36546965529567232
GFC follower…it would be for a great girl’s night in
theresa _ heppner at yahoo dot com
I’m a GFC follower using twitter sign in @threedifferent – I would use it for a date night.
I tweeted! 2/12
I’m a follower! I would definitely do this for a date night in… My husband and I went and saw this movie when it was in theaters and both loved it!
I follow on FB! Stephanie Thigpen
I follow on Twitter! @MrsStephanieT
Tweeted 🙂
I tweeted about this! @MrsStephanieT
I am a google friend connect follower Erin Cook and I would watch this movie at a girls night out
I am following you on twitter @cooks1978
I like you on facebook Erin Cook
I pasted your button on my blog #1 https://wwww.queensmuses.blogspot.com
have your button my blog #2 https://www.queensmuses.blogspot.com
I follow~ date night in!!
i like you on facebook
i follow you on twitter!
I’m a follower and I’d watch it for a Girls’ Night In.
I follow you on Facebook (Jane Eileen).
follow via GFC and this movie would be great for a girls night in
Like you on FB Susan Smith
google follow
I would want a date night!
follow by gfc-amyd
I would say girls night out
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I am now following your blog! I would love to watch this with my husband!
Following you on Twitter @MommaofOne08
I am a Google Follower. I would watch this on a girl’s night. I hear its a laugh and cry kinda movie:)
I’m following you on twitter
Following you on FB
Truthful Mommy Beck
I tweeted about the giveaway!!!!
I am a google follower and I would watch this on a girls night!
Follower on twitter. @imaclutz89
Tweeted! https://twitter.com/imaclutz89/status/36932759402323968
I follow, and would definitely do a girls night in for this one 🙂 D wouldn’t go for it as a date night movie 😛
I follow you on Twitter (@unexpexpectbaby)
I like you on FB 🙂
I have your button on my site 🙂 #1
Follower, i’d watch it for a girl’s night in, thanks
GFC follower: Atreau. This would be perfect for Girl’s Night In.