Do you think that you could be pregnant? The symptoms of pregnancy can be very subtle in the first two weeks and you may not even realize it until you have missed your period. Here are some of the expected early pregnancy symptoms.
- Low energy levels & Fatigue
- Morning sickness & Nausea
- Breast sensitivity
- Vaginal discharge
While some may claim to know that they are pregnant from a few days after conception, not all women feel pregnancy straight away. Watch out for these early pregnancy signs and if you are displaying any of them, you may very well be pregnant.
What are the first Noticeable Signs of Pregnancy?
The first signs to show up are usually a tingling or sensitivity in the breasts around the nipples as your levels of the hormone estrogen increase.
If you are in tune with your menstrual cycle then you may also notice elevated levels of vaginal discharge at this time as well. Don’t be concerned about the discharge, it is perfectly normal at this stage of your pregnancy.
You may also experience a bit of thrush during early stages of pregnancy, this should be treated by visiting your doctor.
What is Vaginal Spotting, Does it mean I’m not Pregnant?
Around the week six to seven mark, you may begin to see some vaginal spot bleeding. This usually occurs when the egg implants itself into the wall of the uterus. This should not be confused with your menstrual cycle and will not have the same volume of blood that you would normally experience during your period.
When Does Morning Sickness Happen?
You can usually expect morning sickness to occur at around the four to six week mark in your pregnancy. Experts aren’t exactly clear on what causes nausea, but they seem to think it has something to do with elevated hormone levels altering your gut bacteria.
The effects of morning sickness are different in everyone. Some may only experience it during
the early stages of pregnancy, while others have it the entire way through and others may never receive it at all.
When will I Notice Changes to my Energy Levels?
You will begin to notice a gradual drain on your daily energy levels starting at around the four week mark.
This will accelerate as your pregnancy progresses and it is not uncommon for you to feel extreme fatigue and lethargy. Take the time to listen to your body and rest as much as you can.
When is it too late to try a Pregnancy Test?
At two weeks in, your home pregnancy test may not be very effective. Home pregnancy tests look for elevated levels of the hormone hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) that begin to escalate at around week three and four.
If you take the test and it comes back negative, consider taking a test every three days for the next two weeks to ensure that you receive the correct results.
The Final Thought
The early signs of pregnancy are subtle and difficult to detect. If you think you are experiencing any of them, the only way to be really sure is to arrange an appointment with your doctor to confirm it.
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