If you have been there and done that- losing weight that is, don’t lose your sanity. There are many easy ways to lose weight, without having to give up on eating what you like best- but in moderation. There are many diets across the world that promise you a fast and easy way to lose those extra pounds, but do they actually work? In the end, you end up disappointed and then start emotionally eating- coming back to square one, once again- putting on more weight than before.
Healthlline.com experts say “Studies show that keeping track of your food intake helps with weight loss. People who use food diaries or photograph their meals consistently lose more weight than people who don’t”
What you should do to lose weight easily!
1. Bring down the calories
Many experts opine that when you want to bring down or lose the weight, you need to have fewer calorie intake, than what you can burn. This will help you lose weight. This sounds easy, but yet people find it too hard to lose weight. Research shows that in the first few weeks, when you cut calories, there are changes that happen in the body- you drop weight. When you lose the weight, you lose water and even lean tissue and fats too- to continue dropping more weight, you need to bring down calorie intake. Don’t eat to satisfy your hunger, say experts, and don’t turn to comfort food or to relieve stress- these are derailments that occur on your way to losing weight.
Mayoclinic experts say “Simple substitutions can make a big difference when it comes to cutting calories. For example, you can save about 60 calories a glass by drinking fat-free milk instead of whole milk.”
2. Bring down the carb intake
It is not only about bringing down the intake of calories that will help you lose weight, but also how the body accumulates fat when you consume carbs. When we eat, the carbs from what we eat enter the bloodstream in the form of glucose. To keep a check on the blood sugar levels, the body burns off the glucose before the fat from the meal is burned. You thus need to break the cycle of gaining weight by reducing the intake of carbs. This is because, when you have carb high foods, such as bread, rice, pasta and even French fries, there is insulin released in the body’s bloodstream. Apart from regulating the blood sugar levels in the body, the insulin doesn’t allow fat cells from allowing fat to release in the body to burn, since it first wants to burn the glucose in the bloodstream. This results in weight gain, and the body demands more food- you then eat more. What you should do is to replace carbs with healthy fats and proteins. You should also have trans fats and saturated fats- veggies, fish and lean meats, and even non-starchy foods.
Healthline.com says “According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Daily Value (DV) for carbs is 300 grams per day when eating a 2,000-calorie diet. Some people reduce their daily carb intake with the aim of losing weight, cutting down to around 50–150 grams per day.”
What your meals should include to lose weight
1. A source of protein
2. A source of fat
3. Vegetables for sure
4. A small amount of complex carbs- whole grains, and
5. Have a lot of water with trace minerals
Experts at Medicalnewstoday say “Eating a protein-rich diet can help people lose weight because it can help them avoid overeating. A high protein diet can help build lean muscle when combined with exercise. Lean muscle helps to burn more calories throughout the day, which can also help with weight loss.”
Meditate to lose weight
Apart from a healthy diet to follow, which is easy, you also need to workout to lose weight. If exercise is not your thing- try meditating. To lose weight means to be immensely courageous and to have strong willpower, and you must have a positive mindset too. This means, you have to break old habits and ways too. You may have tried the gym and all other ways to lose weight, but you still feed dejected- so what do you do? Start meditating to lose weight, says experts from Art of Living.
The Artofliving.org says “ deep breathing is also closely linked with weight loss. Deep breathing increases the supply of oxygen in your body and this extra oxygen supplied to your body helps in burning the extra fat deposited in the body. Breathing deeply also improves blood circulation and tones the abdominal muscles”
We hope this article came in handy to you to understand how easy it is to lose weight without losing your sanity? Do write in and let us know how you liked it.
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