Summer is almost here, which means its time to prepare for the heat and keep cool. Follow these easy tips to protect your health and be comfortable all summer long.
Start to Eat a Plant-based Diet
You don’t have to become a vegetarian to stay cool, so don’t worry. When you indulge in some summer burgers or hot dogs, though, cook them outdoors. Stoves and ovens emit heat that raises your indoor temperature, so use summer as a chance to get healthy and indulge in more fruits, veggies and other plant-based foods that don’t require stove prep.
Set Your Fans to Counter-clockwise
Fans don’t produce cool air, they circulate it. In order to get the most out of your ceiling fans, set their rotation to counter-clockwise. This creates a tunnel effect that pushes cool hair down and draws hot air up.
Eat Food That Hydrates You
You can get an extra boost of H20 with some water-rich foods including:
- Cucumbers
- Watermelon
- Strawberries
- Cantaloupe
- Lettuce
- Celery
- Tomatoes
Practice Heat Safety
The warning signs of a heat stroke are more subtle than you might think. Always be on the lookout for yourself and others. Some warning signs to look out for include:
- Rapid pulse
- Excessive sweating
- Dizziness and lightheadedness
- Nausea and vomiting
- Hard muscles and severe cramps
- Confusion and anxiety
- Fatigue
Heat stroke and heat exhaustion affect millions of people every year. Knowing how to spot the early signs of distress in yourself and others could save a life.
Some other summer safety tips to keep in mind:
- Stay hydrated and stick to the shade when you’re outdoors.
- Check the heat index before going out, and always adhere to any weather advisories.
- Never wait in a car or leave children or pets to wait in one, even if the windows are down.
Sleep With a Chilled Sheet
Ditch your heavy comforter for the summer months. Use a thin cotton sheet to cover up at night, and place it in the freezer an hour or two before bedtime. For some added coolness, you can use a spray bottle and a Dyson fan to lightly mist your body and create a chill as you lay in bed.
Get Your A/C Tuned-Up
You may not realize that your air conditioner is running at half-power. Annual summer tune-ups cost around $150-200, and they can save you hundreds throughout the warmer months. You can also ensure that your system is in good standing and prevent it from blowing hot air and unintentionally inducing an indoor heat stroke.
Stay in Tune With Your Body
It’s easy to let the heat take the backseat when you have a lot on your mind, but always monitor your health. Heat exposure can be deadly, and you should make sure that you invest in all the proper gear to keep your home a safe temperature during the summer.
Author Bio: Paige Jirsa- I work with Top10.Today, a shopping comparison site, where we strive to help consumers find the best quality and priced products.
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