As a mom, it’s not uncommon to have a child or multiple children with allergies. Allergies are becoming more common, which is leading moms to search for ways to make their homes better suited to little ones that suffer from these issues.
There are simple, inexpensive and fast ways moms can make their home more conducive to kids with allergies, and below are some of the most convenient.
Use the Right Kind of Vacuum
Buying a new vacuum might not necessarily be the least expensive tip on this list, but it can be one of the most important. If you have carpet, rugs or any upholstery in your home, these can be hotbeds for allergens.
One of the best ways to combat dust and other particles that can aggravate your children’s allergies is to choose a vacuum with a HEPA filter. HEPA filters will get the even tiniest particles out of your home.
Choose Washable Décor
When you’re choosing new décor for your home, such as pillows, throws, blankets, rugs, and curtains, look for items that can be machine washed easily. You should frequently wash these items to remove dust, dirt, and other particles, and if you choose fabrics that can’t be washed, it’s going to be problematic for your kids with allergies.
As an added bonus, when you opt for home décor that’s washable, you can save time and money on trips to the dry cleaner or having specialty cleaning services done.
Eliminate Clutter
Clutter doesn’t just make your home feel cramped, disorganized and unsightly. It can also have an impact on the health of your kids with allergies.
The more stuff you have in your home, the more likely it is to collect dust, so go through and do an audit of the clutter, and find items you can throw away, sell or donate.
Think about all those stuffed animals and toys throughout your home in particular. Just getting rid of unused items can do wonders for allergy sufferers in your home.
Revamp Bedding
Our kids spend a lot of their time in their beds, yet these are the areas that can cause the most trouble for people who suffer from allergies.
Think about revamping the bedding in your home by choosing breathable, organic sheets that are naturally antibacterial and repel dust mites. You can also add a dust mite cover to your children’s’ mattresses, and choose items such as organic buckwheat pillows, which have inherent anti-allergy properties.
Also, try not to let pets onto beds at all.
As a final note, simply deep cleaning your home on a regular basis can do a lot for your child’s allergies. Remember to dust frequently, and make sure corners where dust and allergens can hide are kept clean.
You might also consider using an air purifier in rooms throughout your home, to filter air and make sure it’s as clean as possible.
Having a child or children with allergies can be challenging, but having an allergy-friendly home doesn’t have to be.
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