No matter if it’s your first trip or sixth trip, going on the road with your family can be a nerve-wracking experience. Keeping everyone in the car happy is almost an impossible task. Throw in the fact that you always have to keep on settling the fights and answering the famous “are we there yet” question, and you have the potential for a massive headache on your hands.
Even so, road trips are a great time for family bonding. Everyone will be a lot happier if you bring along some essentials for a fun-filled trip. No one wants a carload of grumpy adults and whining, tear-filled kids! Pack these essentials to keep everyone satisfied and comfortable:
Car Seat Organizers
No matter the vehicle you choose to travel in, space will always be a problem. Packing in the essentials and extra is an absolute necessity. Get this right, and the journey is a comfortable and fun-filled experience. This is where car seat organizers come in handy.
A car filled with kids can get messy in no time. Toys, water bottles, food morsels soon litter the floor – and it’s no fault of theirs or yours since you need to keep them occupied. A car seat organizer, usually installed at the back of the two front seats, ensures everything remains in one place. It helps keep the car tidy and ensures the kids can reach their food or toys easily.
These are easy to install, and you can have one set up in no time. Kids also love organizing all their toys and games in various pockets.
Child Car Seats
If you have toddlers, these are a must-have. It also gets plus marks if it is extra-comfortable. Why?
Comfortable child car seats mean your toddlers can go on longer journeys without turning into a bundle of uncontrollable energy.
Make sure you pick the right seat for their age or size. It must also have good head support.
Scooter Lifts
Family road trips aren’t just for parents and kids – the grandparents may want to come along for the ride! Family travels are a great time for grandparents to bond with the children. If nothing else, it’s a chance for the folks to reminisce about the times when you were the little one in the backseat.
For many older folks, mobility issues prevent them from joining in on family road trips – but this doesn’t have to be the case. With a scooter lift from places like the Jameson Medical online shop, you can easily tote the wheelchair on the back of the car. Your parents or in-laws will be grateful, and they may even help to tame the wild wee ones while they tag along for the ride.
A First Aid Kit
Not an exciting item to pack but an essential. You never know when you will need bite and sting cream, ice packs, or basic pain relievers. These items are important for families on the move.
UV Window Shades
The sun can be a great companion when on a road trip, but it can quickly make the car uncomfortable, too. Added to the fact that most parents don’t bother rubbing their kids’ sunscreen when going on road trips – no need to feel guilty, we all forget sometimes.
UV window shades help keep the heat down. Likewise, they protect your child’s skin from the possible damage caused by long exposure to the sun.
Travel Games
Travel games are the silver bullet for the dreaded “are we there yet” question. Always consider magnetic games when planning for which to buy. They not only keep your kids entertained throughout the trip but also the pieces rarely go missing.
A Power Bank
Knowing how important our mobile phones have become to our daily lives, this is probably a no-brainer. Power banks are a lifesaver for keeping all the various gadgets you are lugging along alive. It’s especially so in dire cases when you need to call for help, or you need navigation for your next destination.
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