Children’s nourishment should be one of the most important worries of a parent. What makes matters more complex is that every single kid can be very picky when it comes to food. Elements that can have influence might be the taste, smell, texture, and color, so it is not uncommon for a child to refuse to eat something you served if one of these things looks unappetizing to them.
Additionally, a great number of children are attracted to the taste of the easily available junk food products of the modern world, making the challenge to expand their meal horizons even more difficult.
Children’s weight
If your child isn’t outgrowing their clothes each season, this could be one of the signs that your kid could be underweight. The Body Mass Index is a value derived from a person’s weight and height and is used to categorize a human being as underweight, overweight, or obese. Children that belong in the bottom five percent for BMI can be categorized as underweight.
There are a lot of reasons for a child being underweight. One of the most known reasons is the avoidance of food and reduced food intake which presents a huge problem for the parents who want their children to be in perfect health. Conditions such as food allergies and chronic or acute diseases can set off problems with the digestive tract connecting it with malnutrition as well.
Another usual reason for low BMI might be using medication. A lot of active components in the drugs used for ADHD can cause decreased appetite as a side effect. Any pediatrician will be able to evaluate the risk versus benefit of using medication for your child so do not be hasty with terminating their therapy without consulting a physician or a pharmacist first.
Image by Ольга Бережна from Pixabay
Weight gaining shakes as a satisfying snack
As we mentioned, parents might experience difficulties with their child’s nutrition. An interesting solution to this might be a meal with a healthy dose of calories that can be obtained from shakes.
The drink itself as a liquid can be consumed easier than solid food and can be simply modified and adjusted with ingredients. Weight gaining shakes for kids can be helpful when it comes to healthily increasing BMI. To be properly nutritional and not just calorie boosters, these shakes should also provide a mixture of the required biomolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, and necessary fats.
You can make homemade shakes and as an alternative, there are already prepared weight-gaining formulas on the market. This kind of shake is intended to be a supplement, not a meal substitute, and eating whole foods meals remains the main component for your little ones’ nutrition. Shakes can be drunk in between and shouldn’t be consumed together with the meals if the intention is to be for the optimal nutrient intake.
Healthy source of calories
If your child doesn’t get enough calories its weight percentile might go downward. While trying to gain weight with the most important nutrients for optimal development it is crucial to maintain a good calorie intake. As stated in the Dietary Guidelines, the estimated calorie requirement for kids aged from age 2 to age 10 ranges from 1000 to 2000 calories per day. These differ based on age, activity, genetics, environment, and of course meals.
While it may not be mandatory to count every calorie that your child consumes, having a more general count can provide a positive benefit in understanding and promoting their weight gain. High-calorie foods can be added to the weight-gaining shakes to enrich them, such as avocados, nuts, nut butter, seeds and dried fruit.
Worth mentioning are the dairy products: milk, heavy cream, evaporated milk, creamers which you can add to the shake to increase the calorie count. If your child has a milk protein allergy or is lactose intolerant there are alternatives always available on the market so do not be worried. Dairy-free yogurts, nut milk, soy milk, coconut milk, and oat milk are perfect substitutes if your kid has trouble with dairy products.
Image by Blandine JOANNIC from Pixabay
Easy preparing, easy carrying
Putting these shakes together can be a fun activity because there are many elements involved and the process itself is versatile. Including your kids in the making of the weight-gaining shakes is a smart idea as it will give them extra activity and they will be more than willing to drink something they took part in assembling.
If by any chance your children aren’t interested in consuming the shake you can switch up the old cup with a more interesting bowl. Adding granola and fruit on top can be a fun and creative way to serve the shake while increasing calories of course. Remember, a little change can be a great amusement for the youngsters.
Furthermore, caring for your kid’s shake when going out is very easy because you can pack in your kid’s favorite bottle along with a cup, put it in a backpack, and they will have a perfect snack in the park.
Final thoughts
For most adults, eating shouldn’t be practiced all day. However, for children who have trouble gaining weight or are losing mass, increasing the meal count can be a constructive approach. The kids need assistance in putting on a few extra pounds by adding an exceptional meal schedule.
Moreover, еncouraging activities and sports can increase children’s appetite, which will help your kids ask for a meal plus. So by having these sections in mind, you can be the master in aiding the weight boost for your little ones. Building a healthy lifestyle for your children is the key to being a successful parent.
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