Procrastination never helps. If you have been delaying clearing the clutter, you are only adding to the anxiety and stress in your life. In these coronavirus pandemic times, you ought to follow these Austin maid service expert de-cluttering strategies to clear the mess and keep up with cleanliness and hygiene.
Top Decluttering Tips 2020
Get your abode in order with expert decluttering tips.
There is no place for under-utilized storage
Given the amount of clutter you have gathered, it is a cardinal sin to have some under-utilized storage space. Put that under-bed storage to optimal use. All such nook and crannies can be a life saver in small spaces. Under-the-bed storage is one of the most underutilized spaces. You could store your seasonal clothes there in soft bags that are easy to squish to fit.
Your home is not a storage unit
You are in the habit of hoarding to keep things for the future. Often you never put that stuff to use. Amassing things that you do not use today is like turning your home into a storage center, leaving little breathable space. Do you deserve this? Cluttering often begins with hoarding. Stop hoarding and you will no longer have to deal with the clutter. For things you no longer use, it’s smart to rent a storage unit near you. This will help you save space and keep your home organised.
Ask yourself- Will I buy this again
Expert decluttering tips come in handy when you find yourself in a confusing situation to pick one over another. Experts suggest asking yourself whether you will buy that item again. Do you have good or bad feelings associated with it? If your answer is “no,” tell yourself that you are amassing clutter. So get rid of it.
Start small
“Where to start decluttering” is the most common question that you are unable to find an answer. When it comes to decluttering, start with the simplest tasks. What does that mean. Well, it would help to start with the easiest categories on the list. Then ascend to the next easiest thing. This gives you confidence and builds momentum in your de-cluttering journey.
If something is covered with dust, bid it good-bye
One of the expert decluttering strategies that most professionals follow is that an item no longer holds its value if you find it covered in dust all the time. Think the 30-day rule! It means if you have not seen or touched an item for 30 days, chances are you will not use it ever.
Most of us are in the habit of amassing things and then forgetting about them until the next cleaning project. So does cleaning and keeping it back in the closet serve any purpose if you never intend to use it? Get rid of all that stuff.
Digitize receipts
One habit that disturbs most of us is that of collecting paper in bags and wallets. Those papers keep piling up without any use. If you, too, are finding crumpled up receipts in your bag every time you look for something, it’s time to recycle what you don’t need and keep those that you need. Better still, digitize the important documents and clear the clutter.
Ditch duplicates
If you are in the habit of bargain shopping, then your house is bound to become a storage spot where you continue to pile unnecessary stuff. This includes utensils. If you are trying to live a minimalistic lifestyle, ditch duplicate utensils and items and keep your absolute favorites.
Live like you travel
When you travel, the idea is to carry the essentials alone, right? So experts advise to think on those lines everyday. This will help you keep the clutter away while ensuring a clean sanitized space all the time. Think of the essentials and ditch what you don’t need. What you do not carry along on a tour, they things do not hold a lot of value. So it is a good idea to put them in the donation bin.
Conceal clutter smartly
Still wondering where to start decluttering? Well, it is a good habit to conceal clutter smartly. Organize and hide clutter in closed storage pieces and keep one separate for each room. This will help keep clutter away so you can stay clean and minimal. The storage boxes may be in the form of baskets, shelves, or drawers. Hanging rods are you best friend if you live in an apartment or a closed space.
Get that trash out
Where to start decluttering? Well, keeping your home organized will become easier if you show the exit door to the trash. This includes all the unused unneeded or unwanted stuff. Mark two trash bags – one for the actual every day trash and second for stuff that is going to the donation. If you can do this every day, you will never feel overwhelmed with too much of clutter. For bulky and heavy items that take up space, are hard to move and can’t go in with the other to trash bags think about a specialised service like a fridge removal service or a mattress removal service that can do the hard work for you.
With these easy decluttering tips 2020, you can live a life in order and at peace. Clutter creates stress and we cannot handle any more stress than what the pandemic has forced upon us. Keeping our homes clutter free with expert decluttering strategies can surely help.
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