It’s almost summertime and it’s time to hit the pool (or the beach!).
Instead of heading to the salon for a wax or trying to do it yourself at home, the man in your life should try the Mangroomer!
The Mangroomer is an easy, do-it-yourself tool that allows you to get rid of unwanted back hair in the privacy of your own home! It works fast and it’s easy!
The Professional Do-It-Yourself Electric Back Hair Shaver is amazing. I couldn’t believe how well it worked. It also extends so you are completely able to do it yourself. I love the design!
Here are some features:
-1.5 inch blade-designed to cut close and leave smooth results.
-135 Degree Opening- allows to reach all areas from different angles with out problems.
-Rechargeable Battery—It charges quick!
-Extendable Handle
The man in your life will thank you for this—and you’ll be happy too!
The Essential Private Body Shaver is perfect to trim and maintain body hair.
It features:
– Combined Trimmer/Foil Blade design that cuts both long and short hair.
– Use wet or dry! It also cleans easily, just rinse off with water!
– Rechargeable- It charges quick!
– Adjustable settings- 5 different pre-determined settings to choose from.
The Essential Nose and Hair Trimmer is a must for any man!
Some great features are:
– Innovative cutting-edge blade design! This enables a close shave!
– Use wet or dry! It cleans off easily, just rinse with water!
– Non-Slip Grip! It features a rubber grip for comfort and control.
– Discreet storage case!
These are fantastic products for the man in your life!
One lucky winner is going to win the The Professional Do-it-Yourself Electric Back Shaver!
~Mandatory Entry~
Visit Mangroomer and tell me which product you are most excited about!
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Enter this giveaway into a Giveaway Linky! Leave me the link! (5 entries)
Tweet this giveaway, just pressing the Tweet button at the top of this post! (1 entry per tweet, 1 tweet per day)
Please remember to leave a comment for each entry! If it says 2 entries, leave 2 comments! I want to make sure all your entries get counted!
Good luck! This giveaway will end on June 12th!
Disclosure: I was not compensated for this giveaway. All opinions are my own.
The nose and hair trimmer
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Is this giveaway open worldwide? 😀 I’d love to join.
Hi Im a new follower from the blog hop and Im in the UK
Loved your blog really interesting
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i would also love to get the body shaver
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most excited for the do-it-yourself electric back hair shaver, I have to do the shoulder and neck area of my husband, so this would be great !
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The do it yourself electric back shaver!
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I like the private body shaver!
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My husband would be most excited to use the nose and ear hair trimmer. haha
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I like the Essential Private Body Shaver
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1. I like Essential Private Body Shaver (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)
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The essential nose and ear hair trimmer looks great – I love the designs of their products, so sleek! thanks!
I follow you on twitter – I’m @alicedemske – thanks!
Visited their site and the item I most like the look of is the Essential Private Body Shaver, love that it has adjustable settings!
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The Back Hair Shaver. All the men in my life are very hairy and self conscious about it 🙂
Thank you.
I follow on Twitter as Bookloon.
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I’m most excited about the private body shaver. My husband needs it. LOL!!! Thanks for the great giveaway 🙂
Renee R
mrsjohnson1982 at yahoo dot com
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Renee R
mrsjohnson1982 at yahoo dot com
The nose and hair trimmer.
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The nose and ear hair trimmer is a must!
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I think the Essential Private Body Shaver would be great to have!
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I shared on twitter –!/HisPrincess886/status/79271561386934272.
I like the body shaver.
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I’m most excited about this prize the mangroomer, my husband could really use it!!!
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