Cold and Flu Season is officially here and it seems to be a little earlier than normal. Last week, my entire family was hit with a pretty bad stomach bug and it was so miserable. I am hoping that sickness might be it for the net few months, but you just never know. Just in case, I’m making sure our whole family gets a flu shot. Now, we can conveniently get our flu shots at the CVS MinuteClinic.
I highly recommend getting a flu shot not just for your kids but for yourself also. There’s a lot of information out there, but here is the lowdown on the flu for you.
Facts About the Flu
So, what IS the flu?
The flu is a respiratory infection caused by a virus. It can develop very quickly and with flu, you always have a fever. Other common symptoms include headache, sore throat, dry cough, stuffy or runny nose and muscle aches (ugh). I remember getting the flu one year before I had kids and it just hit me like a truck. It’s definitely not something we want as parents. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
How serious is it?
Certain people are at greater risk for complications with the flu, including seniors, young children, pregnant women and those with certain health conditions like asthma or diabetes. A misdiagnosed flu can lead to complications, so if you are unsure if it’s the flu or a cold, see your doctor or MinuteClinic practitioner.
When is “flu season?”
The timing, severity and length of the annual flu season varies from one season to another, but outbreaks can begin as early as October, and tends to peak around January or later. I heard that it’s already started early this year.
For how long is it contagious?
The flu can be passed on even before someone realizes they’re sick, since most healthy adults can infect others 1 day before and up to 5-7 days after becoming sick. Children or those with weakened immune systems, that period is even longer. That is why I like to make sure all my kids get flu shots PLUS stock up on lots of hand sanitizer.
Flu Shot Options
I know when most people think about getting a flu shot, they think of well, a shot. But there are several options now for protecting yourself against the flu.
• Regular seasonal flu shot
• Intradermal shot for those who might be squeamish about needles (approved for adults 18-64; this may or may not be covered by insurance)
• High dose vaccination for customers 65 years and older (provides an elevated level of antigens, which can create a stronger immune response in seniors)
MinuteClinic vaccinates patients 18 months and older. If you have a child between 6 and 18 months, they should receive their vaccination from a pediatrician
Will it be covered by insurance?
Health insurance plans, including Medicare Part B, typically cover the full cost of a flu shot, and MinuteClinic accepts most insurance! We also accept cash payment. And…BONUS! Customers will receive a 20% off CVS/pharmacy Shopping pass when they get a flu shot at CVS/pharmacy or MinuteClinic.
Myth Busting about the Flu Vaccination
I only need to be vaccinated once. MYTH! A new flu vaccine is developed each year to fight the strains that are most likely to be prevalent for the season, so it’s
important to get your flu shot each year.
People start getting sick once cold weather hits, so it’s too early to get my shot. MYTH! The CDC recommends to get vaccinated as soon as the vaccine becomes
available, ideally by October (outbreaks can happen before Halloween!). It takes about two weeks for antibodies to develop in your body to provide protection, so it’s
not too soon.
I’ve heard you can get sick from a flu shot. MYTH! It’s actually impossible, since the vaccine is made from an inactivated (dead!) virus, so it cannot give you the flu. If you get flu-like symptoms after getting your flu shot, it’s likely that you were exposed to the flu after you got vaccinated but before the vaccine took effect, which can be up to two weeks.
(The only real side effect of the flu vaccine might be soreness or redness where the shot was administered!)
How to Help Prevent the Flu
How can I protect myself and my family?
Vaccination is the first line of defense against the flu. Eating right, exercising and getting plenty of rest can also help, but the single most effective way to avoid getting the flu to get a seasonal flu shot!
Who should get the shot?
Since getting a seasonal flu vaccine is the single most effective way to prevent getting the flu, the CDC recommends that anyone ages six months or older be vaccinated, including those who were vaccinated last season. (At MinuteClinic, we vaccinate 18 mos. and older.)
Try some of these daily tips to keep healthy and help to prevent cold and flu:
• Wash your hands with soap and water often, especially after you cough or sneeze.
• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough and sneeze, and discard of the tissue in the trash. Sneeze into your sleeve if a tissue is not available.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth, as germs can spread easily that way.
• Avoid contact with those who are sick. Flu is thought to be mainly spread from person-to-person contact (coughing and sneezing doesn’t help!).
• If you’re sick, stay home from school or work to keep others from getting infected.
I’m all about preventing the flu if I can which i why my whole family will be getting flu shots! Ain’t nobody got time to be sick this winter! Learn more about getting a flu shot at the CVS MinuteClinic!
Disclosure: I was compensated for this post but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Andrea Kruse says
We get out flu shots every year. It is a good way, when other nasty bugs are going around to at least be able to rule out the flu strains in the vaccination. The newest respiratory infections really scare me with young children.
Liz Mays says
I keep saying that I need to get in there and get mine and I do. I definitely don’t want the flu!
Jesica H says
I love the daily tips! We are more about prevention the natural way via some of those tips.
Crystal says
Okay, I’ve never gotten a flu shot before & neither have my kids. I don’t typically get sick, so I just never thought it was necessary for me. But now that all of the kids are in school full-day, they are exposed to a ton of germs. I think it might be time.
Rebecca Orr says
Well, it has been almost 4 years since I have gotten a flu shot. I am thinking I am due again! I have a local CVS so i should head over and get it done. My kids will be getting theirs at the doctors office.
Megan @mnmspecial says
I had no idea that it takes 2 weeks for the antibodies to develop! We didn’t get flu shots last year, but we would be smart to get them this year. I’ll be checking out this minute clinic thing for sure.
Kira says
These are all great preventive measures and a friendly reminder for me to get my shots. Definitely staying home from school is a huge one, if only the parents in my daughters class will listen 😉
Beth says
The kids already got theirs! I still need to get mine. We always get flu shots because I don’t want to deal with sick flu in our family!
Jennifer H says
This is a great reminder for families with young and old members. We have not gotten our shots yet, but I need to put this on the calendar.
Sara P. (@SensiblySara) says
My husband and kids have gotten their flu shots, but I haven’t yet. I do have a doctor’s appointment in a few weeks and I’ll get it then. It’s nice (and convenient!) that CVS offers family flu shots though!
Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting says
Great tips! We keep our hands washed at all times. We have a handy dandy essential oil hand sanitizer we keep with us, too.
Digna D. says
Thanks for the tips. I am not for the flu shot but its nice that CVS provides them for those would like them. It makes it especially convenient for the elderly. I am a CVS shopper and use no other pharmacy.
Kimberly Grabinski says
I love that the CVS MinuteClinics make it easier for people to get some of the simple routine type stuff done. I bet it is more affordable and saves a ton of time being able to just go into CVS for this type of stuff.
HilLesha says
I might need to get one, considering I’ve been sick off and on for the past few weeks!
Elizabeth Ferree says
Great tips and information. It’s great that CVS does this. I can’t get the flu shot as I’m allergic to something in it. But I do try hard at staying healthy every year. One important thing I need to remember is Vitamin C and lots of fluids.
Nina Say says
We haven’t got the flu in our house in years *knock on wood* and never get the vaccination. It is not a fun experience.
Emily says
I recently went to a conference and learned a bit about vaccines. They actually save a lot of lives compared to the few horror stories you hear. My whole family got the flu shot and we will continue to!
Emily says
We always get the flu shot. I have asthma and so do my boys. Getting the flu is scary – we don’t risk it! Thank you for the information! So much misinformation out there!
Julie Wood says
I got my flu shot, and I have to get it every year because I do not want to get the flu and I take care of my elderly Father and it is not a good idea for me to get sick. I like CVS. They have the best deals!
ellen beck says
We got our flu shots and as a matter of fact it was a CVS. I like their pharmacy and they did a nice professional job. They have a new store just a block away so it was nice to walk there.