If you are a mom who is considering a career change, there are several great reasons why you might want to give some thought to becoming a nurse. Going back to college can be a daunting prospect for anyone, but especially for busy stay-at-home moms who may be worried about how they’re going to manage to study for a degree and take care of little ones at the same time. As a mom, you might be wondering how you could possibly be prepared to begin pursuing your future career in nursing. However, you might be surprised to hear that motherhood itself can prepare you quite a lot. Moms and nurses have a lot in common – not least that they are usually caring and empathetic people who’ll go above and beyond to make others comfortable and happy. Here are just some of the main reasons why moms make the best nurses.
Reason #1. They Have Great Communication Skills
Nursing isn’t just about giving medication and changing dressings; as a nurse, you’ll need to talk and listen to your patients to determine what they need and what you can do to make their experience a little more comfortable for them. But, communicating as a nurse isn’t just about talking; you’ll also need to be highly adept at spotting and interpreting nonverbal cues from your patients. As a mom, you’ve probably already mastered this skill and do it daily, which will put you at an advantage as a great nurse, once you’ve gained your RN to MSN online.
Reason #2. Moms Are Skilled Planners
As a mom, you’ll probably already be aware of the importance of planning ahead. You’ll have had to deal with school and kindergarten timetables, planning family trips out, and everything else that comes with scheduling family life and making sure that it runs smoothly. As a nurse, the skills that you’ve perfected as a mom will definitely come in handy. Nurses need to be able to plan carefully and ensure that everything gets done, whilst also being prepared for the unexpected to happen anytime.
Reason #3. Moms are Critical Thinkers
Life as a parent is never predictable and you’ll probably be able to name a number of times when you’ve had to think on your feet as a mom. As a nurse, it’s important to be able to use logic to identify and solve a variety of problems that could arise. This is probably something that you find yourself doing regularly as a parent, so it should come naturally to you as a nurse.
Reason #4. They are Great Team Players
As a mom, you’re the head of the team that is your family. When you study for your RN to MSN degree, you’ll find that most of the time, nurses are required to work together as teams and it’s important for them to have several qualities, such as compromising, communicating, listening to each other, and sometimes being firm when it is necessary.
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