Camping in the wilderness might not have been the first idea to come to mind when thinking about taking your kids on a family vacation for the first time, however, with the right amount of planning and preparation, it can be a lot of fun for the whole family. Whether you’re already an avid camper and can’t wait to get back in your sleeping bag, or are planning a camping trip for the first time, we’ve put together some top tips to help you make sure that everything goes smoothly when taking your kids on an outdoor adventure.
Tip #1. Research Camping Locations:
When it comes to picking somewhere to camp, you’ll want to consider the age of your kids and their needs. For example, picking a campsite that’s aimed at families with young children will make the whole experience easier for you, since there’s likely to be more to do for little ones in terms of play areas and available outdoor activities that are age-appropriate. However, it’s not going to be a true wilderness experience if you do this. If you want to camp in the true wilderness, do some research into the type of thing you can expect in your location. If it is in bear country, for example, you’ll want to make sure you have some rifles at hand. You can check out Woodbury Outfitters for these. If, however, you’re going to be on a mountain side, you’ll want to have thermal sleeping bags and snow proof tents at your disposal.
Tip #2. Get Good Quality Gear:
Following on from the point above, having high-quality camping gear is an essential for any camper, and even more so if you’re going to be camping with your children. There’s nothing that could be worse than your tent coming down in the middle of the night or your outdoor stove malfunctioning when you’re trying to cook a family meal. If you camp in the true wilderness, you’ll also want to consider investing in some battery packs for electronic devices, as well as comfortable hiking boots to help you get to and from your destination. On the other hand, if your family wants to be more comfortable, renting an RV is your best choice. CamperAdvise has some great reviews on different RV types and motorhomes, so you might want to check that out first so you can find out what you’re looking for.
Tip #3. Prioritize Staying Warm:
Everyone who’s ever been camping will know just how cold it can get at night, even if you’re going in the summer when the days are warmer and longer. Since children can feel the cold even more so than we adults do, prioritizing staying warm should be an absolute must. Even if you’re traveling during the peak of summer, take along items such as thick socks, woolly hats, and extra blankets to make sure that you’re all warm and comfortable during the night.
Tip #4. Take Safety Precautions:
Camping can be a very exciting experience for children, however, the downside is that they might get a little too eager whilst exploring and end up playing with things that could pose a hazard to them. It’s a good idea to talk to your child beforehand and explain what they can expect from the wilderness; talk about all the activities that you’ll be doing together and then make sure that they know what’s not safe to touch without asking first, such as snakes and bugs, poison ivy, and even the campfire. You should also remember to pack a sensible first-aid kit. Band-aids, antiseptic wipes, dressings, gauze, cotton buds, mosquito spray, and after-bite lotions are some essentials for your kit, especially if you’re not camping near other people.
Camping with children doesn’t have to be an impossible task! Does your child love camping? Let us know in the comments.
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