I really don’t use it as much as I should, but I have a secret weapon for boredom. This year my little girl will be in school Monday through Friday leaving me with the two younger ones. This situation could have me hearing “I’m bored” A LOT!
What is this “secret weapon” that I speak of? Surprisingly it is just a ton of teeny tiny strips of paper in an old plastic water pitcher. Whenever we are looking for something to do we can pull one out and 10 minutes later be immersed in a ladybug hunt in the backyard or caught up in the excitement of shadow finger puppets.
I’m sharing my list with you! All you have to do is copy, paste, print, cut, pull one out and PLAY!!!
- Make noodle necklaces.
- Hide candy, rocks or pennies and go on a treasure hunt.
- Sing songs.
- Make decorations and decorate the house.
- Do ballet. Make up your own moves if you don’t know any real ones!
- Play card games.
- Rent a DVD and make popcorn.
- Play restaurant. Make your own menus and take turns being the waitstaff.
- Thumb wrestle or have a tickle war!
- Make mazes or puzzles for each other to solve.
- Have a tea party.
- Prank call the grandparents using disguised, humorous voices.
- Paint or draw together.
- Have relay races.
- Make rock pets. Collect rocks and paint faces on them.
- Do shadow puppets.
- Bake cookies with the kids help!
- Play house.
- Play sardines. (Reverse Hide n’ Seek) One child hides and the rest of the kids hide with him when they find him. Last person to find the group is “It” for the next round.
- Fingerpaint.
- Play dress up.
- Have a reading marathon.
- Play board games.
- Have a scavenger hunt.
- Go on a picnic.
- Tell stories in the dark with a flash light.
- Create a family book with pictures and stories about each family member.
- Play with matchbox cars.
- Bubble bath!
- Create an obstacle course.
- Make paper airplanes and race them!
- Play soccer.
- Make your own musical instruments with items found in the kitchen.
- Paint each other’s faces (you can use makeup if you don’t have face paint!
- Play dolls.
- Build stuff with legos, blocks, etc.
- Make your own circus. Make a tight rope by laying a jump rope on the floor. Teach your dog to do tricks.
- Write letters to family members.
- Make play dough from scratch. (See Sippycupmom.com for the diy!)
- Create a fort in your living room out of blankets or cardboard boxes.
- Have a puppet show. Use socks that have lost their mates. Draw a face on them!
- Write a story together.
- Play Hide & Seek.
- Play freeze dance. Dance like crazy & when the music goes off FREEZE!
- Make a “feely” box. Cut a hole in a box just big enough for your child to fit his/her hand through. Put items in the box and have them guess what they are.
- Take turns saying tongue twisters.
- Play Simon Says.
sounds like there will be a lot of fun going on!
My girls will get a kick out of #12 even though the grandparents have caller ID 🙂 What a great list!
Congrats Natalie on making the new Glue Dots team! Looking forward to your projects!
How do u play house what do u need ???? How do u play with dOlls play food i don’t know what else u would need tell me a review of what u do with ur kids?