A few weeks ago I had the chance to attend a fun event at a local Macy’s here in St. Louis. It was Girl’s Night Out with special guest Clinton Kelly! When I arrived at the event, the atmosphere was rocking – there was a bright white stage set up, chairs full of excited people, a station where you could get a hair touch-up and mocktails and snacks. Macy’s had definitely outdone themselves! I tweeted Clinton to let him know how excited for the event to start.
Clinton Kelly was hilarious, personable, snarky and gave great fashion advice. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m definitely not a fashionista but I was inspired by Clinton and his enthusiasm. I loved his advice and at one point, I whipped out my phone to take notes for all of you!
Fall Fashion Trends
Below are just a few of the looks that feature the hot Fall fashion trends this season. You’ll be seeing a lot of plaid, skater skirt, distressed denim, sweater dressing, mixed media, and embellishment.
At one point, my friend and I whispered to each other that we were loving the outfits from the Mature look rather than the Millennials look – does this mean we are getting old!?
Fashion Advice from Clinton Kelly
Are you unsure if you should wear a trend? I know there have been times that I have been – I could never get into the recent neon trend and I tried to get into the high-lo dresses but couldn’t.
If you’re unsure, Clinton says you should ask yourself the following questions:
– Does this trend show too much cleavage?
– Does this trend show too much leg? {Note: Higher than mid-thigh is NOT appropriate after middle age per Clinton}
– Does this trend show the navel?
– Is this something a hooker would wear to get more business? {This may be my favorite question!}
If you answered yes to any of the above questions then that trend may not be for you!
Some more great fashion and LIFE advice from Clinton Kelly:
– The #1 way to hide a tummy is a jacket and a good bra!
– V-necks are good for larger busts. If you have a large bust, you NEED a professional bra fitting. {I better get on that!}
– Leggings are NOT pants!
– So many woman are hard on themselves and rough on their body. STOP using the word hate. It’s mental torture.
– Don’t say to your daughters or your friends that they don’t look good. Girls remember.
– Forgive idiots for being idiots.
– Don’t compare yourself to other woman. Don’t compare yourself to woman on TV or in advertising – they are not human beings. {I laughed at that!}
– If you don’t have pores, you’re not alive!
If you’re looking to add more to your outfit, remember – color, texture, pattern, and shine!
Must-Have Staples for a Woman’s Closet
Clinton Kelly shared a list of must-have staples that a woman should have in her closet.
– Dark Wash Jeans
– Pencil Skirt
– Ballet Flats
– Boots
– Structured Skirt
– Sneakers that AREN’T athletic
– Colored Dress
– Sandals
– Little Black Dress
– Colored Dress
I’ve got a few items on that list and I definitely need to pick up a good pair of boots for the fall. I just don’t think I can get on board with a pencil skirt though.
What’s your favorite piece of Clinton Kelly advice from above?
Disclosure: I am a member of the Everywhere Society and Everywhere has provided me with compensation for this post about Clinton Kelly at Macy’s. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed herein are my own.
My favorite advice is that Leggings are not Pants! Very true and I don’t like to see complete outline of girls’ bum. Wear pants, people!
YES! Agreed!
I’m going to head out and buy a colored dress because Clinton Kelly says I need one! It looks like you had a blast!
I have one but wonder if I need more! At least I have one!
“Is this something a hooker would wear to get more business?” That is HILARIOUS but I know some people who should ask that to themselves more often, I think.
Right?! That had everyone cracking up but I’ve definitely seen some outfits where people should have asked themselves that!
What an amazing opportunity! Fabulous event for a mom’s night out.
It was definitely such a fun time!
Glad you got to meet him. I saw him on one of the morning shows this week and he was very personable. Sad to see his show go, but it helped a lot of people!
Oh my goodness I’m dying laughing….” Is this something a hooker would wear to get more business?” lol. Yet it is so true! A great measuring mark! Still awesome that he said it though.
LOL, right?! I was laughing so hard!
I can’t stop laughing over ‘Is this something a hooker would wear to get more business?” LOL So awesome. I’ve been a Clinton fan for years, it sounds like this was a really fantastic event! I wish we had a Macy’s here in Jacksonville!
Oh my gosh I LOVE Clinton Kelly. I liked all of the advice but with fall approaching i’m seeing more and more leggings with t-shirts and it KILLS me! So leggings are not pants is my favorite piece of advice.
But my second favorite piece was “Don’t compare yourself to other woman. Don’t compare yourself to woman on TV or in advertising – they are not human beings.”
This sounds like it was a lot of fun! I’m so jealous!
I love the hooker line myself! Hilarious! I agree leggings aren’t pants, why do so many women wear them as pants?
When I was pregnant but not ready to tell anyone I wore blazers almost every day. Glad to know I was on the right track!
Great tips! I love the list of staples. I’m going to have to start checking those off, and getting the ones I don’t have yet.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Leggings are not freakin’ pants!
A structured skirt… how does it differ from a pencil skirt?
how fun! I would love to go to something like this… fashion advice? yes please!
I am cracking up at his if you are unsure list. Love him!
I actually like several of those outfits too and I’m not getting old, haha! It looks like you had a fabulous time!
I love that he said stop using the word hate. Amen, Clinton! I’m so sad the show is ending…
Wow what a great experience and fun girls night out!
He seems like the nicest guy!!
I know I need a good bra. Everything would look much better.
I love Clinton Kelly! I may or may not be on a What Not to Wear kick right now. 🙂
What I need??? Lots more clothes that aren’t mom clothes! LOL No, but really, I’ve never had a little black dress.
Ok I have to say that I am SUPER JEALOUS you got to meet Clinton!!! What not to Wear was my very favorite show for years and they’re pretty much the *only* reason my clothes are decent enough now that I can be the CL for a fashion campaign 😀 Loved this post, thanks for sharing! 🙂