When it comes to buying cards and finding unique and meaningful gifts, I always head to our local Hallmark store. An item I have been meaning to get is their Recordable Storybooks!
Hallmark has added two new Disney titles to its popular library of Recordable Storybooks this year, including “The Wish My Heart Makes for You” and “You’re a Hero! All the Ways You Save the Day.” They join other Classic Disney Recordable Storybooks like Lightning McQueen and His Winning Team, Winnie the Pooh’s Plan Bee and What Makes a Princess.
We received “The Wish My Heart Makes For You” Recordable Storybook – and Hayden loves it! He’s a huge fan of Cinderella and I loved the story and the message that the book sends. Best of all, I’m able to record MY voice reading the story. I love this because, he can read along the story with me reading it to him. I’m also thinking it will come in handy next year when I’m in the hospital delivering the twins! I’ll still be able to read him a bedtime story.
Hallmark is also sponsoring the Disney on Ice Tour! Disney On Ice: Treasure Trove is headed to Saint Louis this month and I can’t wait to take Hayden! It features almost all of his favorite characters!
Thanks to Hallmark, one lucky St. Louis reader is going to win a Disney Recordable Storybook and 4 tickets to see Disney On Ice: Treasure Trove on September 22nd at 3pm!
The giveaway will end on September 15th so the winner will have time to receive the tickets and storybook in the mail!
Disclosure: I received 4 tickets to Disney on Ice and a Recordable Storybook. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Mae says
My daughter LOVE Belle! With Tink as a close second!
Tara says
My favorite character is Cinderella!
Tara says
I haven’t used a recordable storybook (yet), but I did see them a couple of weeks ago in the card aisle at Walgreens and thought, “so neat!”
Julie says
My daughter loves Ariel, Belle, and Cinderella. She just turned 3 and would love to see them all!!
lisa m says
We love them all!!
Bridget Heiple Reich says
My daughter loves Rapunzel!
Bridget Heiple Reich says
No, I have never used a Hallmark recordable storybook before.
Steven says
Our son is a fan of Lightening McQueen
Steven says
Haven’t tried the recordable story books
Amanda says
Amanda says
I have never heard of the Hallmark recordable story book before now. I think my daughter would LOVE something like that for Christmas
Melissa M says
Lightning McQueen is a hit in the house right now.
Melissa M says
Ive never heard of the recordable story books!
Carol D. says
My daughter LOVES Rapunzel. My son of course is a HUGE Phineas & Ferb fan, but he’s not on ice yet;)