Vroom, Vroom!
Start your engines!
Cars 2 is racing into theaters on June 24th!
We are big fans of the Cars movie and can’t wait to see Cars 2!
Fun Fact: Did you know that more Cars merchandise is sold than any other Pixar film?
When star racecar Lightning McQueen (voice of Owen Wilson) and the incomparable tow truck Mater (voice of Larry the Cable Guy)
head overseas to compete in the first-ever World Grand Prix, Mater gets caught up in an intriguing adventure of his own: international espionage!
To celebrate, make sure to download these fun Cars 2 activities!
One lucky reader is going to win a Cars 2 Prize Pack!
This includes:
– CARS 2 t-shirt in youth sizes of S, M, L, XL
– CARS 2 set of 3 bumper tickets
– CARS 2 temporary tattoo sheet (2 per winner)
– CARS 2 puzzle
For MORE chances to win, visit the following blogs!
The Frugal Invitation (Ends 6/24)
Fun Finds for Families (Ends 6/30)
The Life of Rylie…and Bryce too! (Ends 6/30)
~Mandatory Entry~
Which little race car driver will you be taking to see Cars 2?
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Follow Sippy Cup Mom via Google Friend Connect (1 Entry)
Subscribe to my blog via email and/or RSS Feed. (2 Entries for Each)
Tweet the following, which can be done once a day for one entry:
Vroom Vroom! I want to win a Cars 2 Prize Pack from @DisneyPictures! #sippycupmom
Please remember to leave a comment for each entry! If it says 2 comments, leave 2 comments!
Good luck! This giveaway will end on June 29th!
Disclosure: I was not compensated for this giveaway. All opinions are my own.
My lil Monsta is a huge fan! I will be going with her!!
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My husband and I are taking our 2 year old son! He has EVERY die cast model for every car lol…He’s a HUGE fan!
My little one!
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My Liam LOVES Cars, I will be taking him to see Cars 2, we are very eager!
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My boy loves Cars and would love this! karasceviour at hotmail dot com
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I can’t wait to take Matthew to this movie!!
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My son
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I will take my stepson Trey and my nephew Aden to Cars 2
I’ll be taking my little guy, Bubby, to see it. He’s 2 and has been a Cars fan since birth!!
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My daughter because she just loves the franchise!
I am going to take my PD pie to see Cars 2!
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Id take my nephew 🙂
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I’m going to take my 3.5 year old son, it’ll be his first movie at the theater!
alsatia23 at hotmail dot com
like cars on facebook – kerry gibbs
alsatia23 at hotmail dot com
like you on facebook – kerry gibbs
alsatia23 at hotmail dot com
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alsatia23 at hotmail dot com
so funny – my husband asked if I would take him 🙂 I really am serious.
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My grandson would love to see this movie.
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I’ll be taking my son to see Cars 2
I would take my daughter
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Oh, my son for sure… i’m sure my daughter will come too – but he LOVES Cars! His big boy bedding is Cars!
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I’ll be taking my son who loved the first movie.
hschonrock at yahoo dot com
I like you on Facebook: Heather Schonrock Lyons
hschonrock at yahoo dot com
I like Cars 2 on Facebook: Heather Schonrock Lyons
hschonrock at yahoo dot com
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I will be taking all 4 of my kiddos!
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Jennifer Smith Stewart
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Jennifer Smith Stewart
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grant will go with me
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
fblike cars as debbie jackson
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djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
I’m taking my Bubby!!
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I will be taking my boys, Jacob and Justin! They are SOOO excited and we’re huge Cars fans!!!
I follow GFC 🙂
The kids and I are so looking forward to see Cars 2
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Okay, let’s try this again
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Kimberly Schotz
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Taking my little nephew who is 6 and loves everything Cars!
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Taking my son Lucien who loves the first Cars movie.
littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com
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I will be taking my 3 year old son, he loves cars!
liked cars on facebook
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tweeted it Tabblack
My nephew LOVES Cars!! We will take him and my daughter will tag along 🙂
I follow you on Twitter! (as 2gatorgirlz)
FB fan! (as Maggie Mason)
thank you for another fun giveaway! we’ll be taking our brian to see the new cars 2! he’ll be thrilled!
i follow cars on fb – jayedee halpin dewitt
i follow you on fb – jayedee halpin dewitt
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I’ll be taking my little boy who is 3 to see Cars 2, he is a huge fan and asks everyday if it’s time to go see Cars 2 LOL 🙂
I Like Cars on Facebook (Stephanie Petty-Grant)
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We will be taking Kale (4 in one month!!) and Teagan (5.5) to see Cars 2.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I like Cars on FB (Sandy Holladay)
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I follow on twitter @Journey2OurHome
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Tweet! https://twitter.com/#!/Journey2OurHome/status/81868546371624960
I’ll be taking my son for sure!
I Like Cars on Facebook (talking momcents)
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My 4 year old son would love to see this movie!! 🙂
daily tweet!
My daughter Sara can’t wait for this movie either!
jaimecoupons16 at gmail dot com
i follow you on twitter – deals4sara
jaimecoupons16 at gmail dot com
i follow you via GFC – Jamala
jaimecoupons16 at gmail dot com
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jaimecoupons16 at gmail dot com
Will be taking my lil guy
ctymice at gmail dot com
Like Cars on Facebook(Lori Thomas)
ctymice at gmail dot com
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ctymice at gmail dot com
My oldest son is a huge Cars fan – I’m taking him opening day. Thanks!
I follow your blog via gfc – thanks!
I follow you on twitter – I’m @alicedemske -thanks!
I am taking my 3-year-old cousin to see the movie!
slbastin at gmail dot com
I like Cars on Facebook as Sarah Bastin.
slbastin at gmail dot com
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slbastin at gmail dot com
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slbastin at gmail dot com
I will be taking my grandson.
GFC follower (Carole Spring)
I will be taking my niece and nephew.
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I will be taking my 2 1/2 year old son!
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I’ll be taking my four younger kids to see it. Thanks.
like Cars 2 on facebook as Terra Heck
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hschonrock at yahoo dot com
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daily tweet: https://twitter.com/sarebstare/status/83153256557191168
hschonrock at yahoo dot com
I am excited to take my little boy to his first movie when we go see Cars 2!
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follow you on twitter as @frankandkatie
follow you on gfc as teaching mommy
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I’ll be taking my daughters (8 and 3)
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
I like Cars on facebook (Louis Here)
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
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My son is going with me! Date night with my son
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I’ll be taking my 8 year old son!
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tweet https://twitter.com/sarebstare/status/84484796692172800
I would love to take my daughter, but she’s not ready for theaters yet so we have to wait till it’s out on DVD
I liked cars on facebook
i liked sippy cup mom facebook page
hschonrock at yahoo dot com
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frankandkatie at gmail dot com
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My nephews!
Tweeted 6/26
hschonrock at yahoo dot com
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tweet https://twitter.com/sarebstare/status/85218563266330624
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I’ll be taking my 5yo daughter (ok, the other 5 of us will just be using her as an excuse to go see it!). Thanks for the giveaway!
I like Cars on facebook.
I’m following Sippy Cup Mom on facebook (Rachel Earle Edwards Martorano)
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I tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/GiveawayRae/status/85562061383413760
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frankandkatie at gmail dot com
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I’ll be taking both my kids to see this family friendly movie!
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twitter follower w/ katklaw777
My 3 year old! He loves Cars and I thought we could go to the drive ins to see it!
I like Cars on facebook!
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Ty is going to a Cars 2 movie party on Saturday. We’re so excited!!!
i liked Cars on fb!
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I subscribe to your blog via rss…again.
i took my son angelo to see cars 2. we saw it the day it came ouy!! he has never been to a real movie before and LOVES cars. we watch it evernight before we go to bed. his birthday (which is saturday) is cars themed and he is the biggest cars fan!!! he loves his manor(mater) he he
I will be going with my kids, and my son is the one who likes Cars the most! We own the first movie on Blu-Ray!
I liked Cars on FB!
username: Cash Munny
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