I can’t even begin to tell you how hot it is in St. Louis! We have been under an Excessive Heat Warning several times already. In fact, we are in one right now!
When I have to venture out, I’m happy to wear a Jockey StayCool Tank under my shirts!
I was so excited to be selected a Jockey StayCool Ambassador!
I was sent several products from the Jockey StayCool Collection for Women and the Jockey StayCool Collection for Men!
I received a Reversible Black T-Shirt, a Reversible Navy Blue Tank and several Modern Briefs to try out in this St. Louis heat!
I took a look at the size chart on Jockey to order my StayCool pieces. I was excited when they arrived and they were actually true to size! That is a big problem I have when ordering online!
The StayCool Tank is something I wear all the time! Even in extreme heat, I like to wear a tank under my shirt. I had no problems wearing the tank. It was form-fitting, but comfortable and I found that I didn’t sweat excessively like I sometimes do!
The StayCool T-Shirt that I was sent was black and I wondered how it would hold up in the heat. I wore it while hanging out in the backyard and found that once again, I was warm (It was 95 degrees out after all!) but I wasn’t HOT!
The Modern Briefs that I received were white and super cool. They were so comfortable to wear! I also love that they are available in so many different colors!
The Jockey® staycool collection is developed with Outlast® technology to help your skin feel up to 3° cooler. 3° can be the difference between too hot and just right. These garments help cool the micro-climate surrounding your skin to maintain your ideal skin temperature.
Isn’t it amazing?
Heath also received several of the Men’s Jockey StayCool products to review! In addition to the Jockey StayCool V-Neck and Crew Neck T-Shirts, he was also sent Boxer Briefs to try out!
Heath does a lot of walking and yard work, even in this heat so I insisted that he try out Jockey StayCool T-Shirts while doing yard work. After 3 hours of work in 90+ degree weather, he did agree that his body temperature did feel a little cooler.
Check out the video below, to learn more about the Jockey StayCool Collection!
Have you seen the commericals with NFL QuarterBack, Tim Tebow?
Tim’s T-Shirt is cooler than yours! 😉
If you’re suffering a HOT summer like me right now, I highly recommend checking out the Jockey StayCool Collection!
Want to try it out by winning?
THREE Winners will receive a coupon code for ONE top and ONE Bottom from the Jockey StayCool Collection!
Mandatory Entry
How do you stay cool in the summer?
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Tweet the following, for one entry per day:
#StayCool with @Jockey and @SippyCupMom! 3 Winners will win a Top and Bottom from the StayCool Collection! https://tinyurl.com/425a5cj
Please remember to leave a comment for each entry! I want to make sure all your comments get counted!
This giveaway will end on July 28th!
Disclosure: As a Jockey Ambassador, I received products to review. I will also receive a gift card at a later date. All opinions are my won.
Heather says
sweet tea and air condition!!
Julie B says
Lemonade and air conditioning.
Julie B says
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Serena K says
try to grill as much as possible and lots and lots of salad =]
Serena K says
already liked you on fb
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Tammy H says
I drink plain cold tea when it is this hot!
Audrey says
Swimming and air conditioning!!!
mindi williamson says
sweet tea and air conditioning!!!
mindi williamson says
sweet tea
mindi williamson says
Tammy H says
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mindi williamson says
watching a movie with my favorite granddaughter in the air conditioning
Tammy H says
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Tabathia B says
I stay cool with the AC and a cold glass of Pepsi
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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Nan Bixby says
Staying indoors with no lights on as much as possible.
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#StayCool with @Jockey and @SippyCupMom! 3 Winners will win a Top and Bottom from the StayCool Collection!
6 minutes ago via web. I tweeted it!
Donna Scagnelli says
I stay cool in summer swimming in our new pool and loving that air conditioning inside my home.
Gina says
I stay cool by staying indoors! Thank goodness for AC!
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Aundrea says
Stay hydrated…drink plenty of water!
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Kelli Wood says
I stay cool by either swimming or staying inside..we live in Texas so its usually over 100 degrees here during the summer!!
Kelli Wood says
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i posted on facebook 7-22
Ashleigh Walls says
A/C helps me stay cool along with lots of ice water!
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kady l. says
We stay cool by visiting a local indoor playground!
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Kris I. says
I stay cool with air conditioning and swimming in the pool !
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sus says
air conditioning
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sus says
Karen says
We love to go to the pool to stay cool!
Thanks, Karen
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com
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I follow Jockey on twitter as: kapbaker
Thanks! Karen
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com
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I follow you on twitter as: kapbaker
Thanks! Karen
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com
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Thanks, Karen
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com
Ellen B says
I drink a lot of water
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Pauline Milner says
During the hot weather, we use an abundance of fans to keep cool. We have 4 in every room, coming from all directions.
The weather keeps getting warmer every year here, so it may be time for central air!
Thanks for the great giveaway. ~Pauline
Pauline Milner says
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Emilie says
Lately we’ve been relying heavily on our to air conditioners. I honestly don’t know how people live without them! 🙂
Emilie says
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Ellen B says
Stefanie says
If I’m outside, I stay hydrated & shaded as much as possible but I try to stay in the A/C as much as possible.
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Tara says
I drink lots of water!
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Jaime says
We go to my parents and stay in the pool all day!!
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follow Jockey on twitter – Deals4Sara
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Julie L says
drinking plenty of water and going swimming
Julie L says
like jockey on fb Julie S Laws
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Ellen B says
Rachel B. says
We stay cool by staying inside air conditioning or playing in sprinklers/pools outside!
Rachel B. says
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Tabitha says
stay cool by swimming!
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Susan Bryant says
I stay cool in the summer by staying inside in the central air!
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brenda witherspoon says
I stay cool by turning on the ac
brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com
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Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard
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malika liggin says
lots of water activites
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Erin Collins says
I stay inside as much as possible with the AC going! I also love to swim 🙂
Jamie Brigham says
I stay cool in the summer by wearing light colored clothing and lots of tank tops
Jamie Brigham says
I am a fan of Jockey on facebook- Jamie Brigham *FB Fan*
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I tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/blueirisheyes/status/95698789003833344
Jamie Brigham says
I tweeted about this giveaway- @cinderella10383
Maegan says
Lots of ice water, or sparkling water for a treat. Gotta stay hydrated! And of course playing in the pool, shade or finding some fun indoor games and enjoying the AC.
Maegan 🙂
mkht22 {{@}} gmail {{.}}com
Maegan says
I follow Jockey on Twitter. (I’m @Bloggerrific)
Kelli Wood says
tweet of the day! 7/26
Ellen B says
malika liggin says
Alissa A says
Lots of air conditioning and fans! captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com
Michele P. says
with the help of my ceiling fan and my air conditioner I definitely stay cool in the summer!
Michele P. says
like Jockey on FB Michele Pineda
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tweet https://twitter.com/#!/micaela6955/status/96023127045324800
Ellen B says
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The Lazy Mom says
We stay cool by going to the pool or running through the sprinkler!
The Lazy Mom says
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I subscribe!
Kelli Wood says
tweet of the day!! 7/27
malika liggin says
Belinda Parker says
I stay cool in the AC while drinking Iced tea or Iced coffee!
Belinda Parker says
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Belinda Parker
Belinda Parker says
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Belinda Parker
Rachel B. says
schkinner at yahoo dot com
Kelli Wood says
tweet of the day 7/28
Pauline Milner says
Bekah says
Lots of ice water with a lemon!!
houowl at gmail dot com
Renee Gauthier Angichiodo says
I keep cool here in Phoenix by jumping in the pool, then keeping my wet tank top on in the house. That way, I can keep the AC at 82 and still feel cool while saving electricity.
Renee Gauthier Angichiodo says
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Jennifer Radtke says
I stay cool by staying inside under the ceiling fan with all the shades drawn. And if I have to go outside, I pack plenty of ice water for me and my girls.
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Heidi says
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Carrie with Children says
I stay cool in the summer by staying close to the A/C and tasty lemonade! 🙂
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